

Sitting upon his throne of corpses, Lucius' pitch-black, abyss-like eyes continued to stare towards the distant grey sky with a cold, determined look. 

The killing intent oozing out of his body continued to climb in intensity, reaching a point where even the space surrounding his figure started to distort and twist. 

This stand-off continued for a few minutes longer, when suddenly Lucius' expressionless face became pallid and twisted with tremendous pain. 

Veins bulged throughout his body as viscous black blood started to uncontrollably leak from all of his facial orifices. Closing his eyes, Lucius grabbed onto his head and let out an inaudible scream.

The throne beneath him suddenly disappeared, followed by portions of the peak disappearing. As the footing beneath him disappeared, Lucius' body started to fall towards the ground.

Color slowly returned to the world, alongside the disappearance of large sections of the corpse mountain range. 
