

Five days of preparation had finally passed, and now the fifty acolytes of Hall 6 stood assembled at the Academy dock. Emery and Klea joined them as their leader, guiding and steadying the young acolytes as they prepared for what would be their most grueling exam yet. Among them, Hardy was visibly restless, methodically inspecting their equipment list, double-checking every item they had managed to gather.

Unlike previous exams, which focused on fairness, this one emphasized survival, allowing each hall to bring any gear or provisions they deemed essential. Hall 6's acolytes, coming predominantly from the lower realms, had fewer resources to display. Their crates were mismatched, a stark contrast to the coordinated, polished boxes of other halls. This difference didn't go unnoticed—whispers and sidelong glances from nearby halls signaled a quiet, unspoken judgment, adding to the mounting tension in the air.
