

Lodos, the madman, stood before Emery like a twisted specter from his past.

He was one of the first opponents Emery faced during his time at the academy, a once-promising student now twisted by the horrors of the Nightwalker disease. Ten years ago, Emery had seen Lodos confined to a hospital bed at the Golden City Medical Center, battling the ravages of his affliction. But now, Lodos had ascended to the full moon magus realm, his power palpable and menacing.

The air crackled with tension as Lodos conjured a powerful gravity spell, its force slamming into the enforcers with a bone-crushing weight. Ten enforcers found themselves pinned to the ground, straining against an invisible force that held them captive. Panic flickered in their eyes, but Emery remained calm, his heart steady even as the ground quaked beneath the might of Lodos's spell.
