

While the three young acolytes remained focused on their training, Emery approached the huge door and stood silently before it for a while.

This ominous door was his waypoint, a crucial connection to the intricate web of the Khaos Domain. It interlinks with thousands of other waypoints, some naturally occurring, some constructed, and some connected to the personal domain of other Khaos seeds.

Throughout his four years of exploration into the secrets of Khaos space and his growing comprehension of the law of space, Emery learned much about its strengths and limitations.

The primordial wisp of Khaos possessed a godly power to connect spaces as vast as the four quadrants of the human and elves universe. However, its greatness was constrained by the strength of its users. Those in a higher realm of power, or those with a high comprehension of the law of space, would gain a significant advantage from harnessing this Khaos space.
