

The small ship descended gracefully into the Moonbase hangar, its engines humming to a halt, and the anticipation within the hangar reached its peak. As the sleek metallic doors of the ship opened, two figures stepped out, instantly recognizable to Emery and his companions. The first was the much-missed and revered Senior Fuxi, whose presence alone was enough to bring a wave of relief and joy. The second figure, draped in cloak robes, took Emery a moment to recognize, but when he did, a spark of surprise lit up his expression. It was Nephilim's most prominent genius.

"Eeshoo? Why are you here?" Emery couldn't help but express his astonishment, his mind was flooded with dozens of questions about the unexpected arrival.

Before Emery could delve into the inquiries buzzing in his mind, Senior Fuxi, with a warm smile, interrupted, "So… Mister new caretaker… will you show me the place?" 
