

The group exited the Alabaster residence together with Jinkan and Grand Magus Duncan, strolling through the elaborate white snowy gardens that surrounded the luxurious mansion. Along the way, Jinkan appeared very friendly with the Grand Magus Emissary.

Other than occasional small talk, Duncan was briefing Jinkan about what was happening on Earth and his mediating solution between Earth and Kronos.

"Ahh, you are so amazing, Uncle Duncan," Jinkan exclaimed with admiration while casting a smile toward Emery, signifying his role in the Kronos situation. This conversation continued until they reached Duncan's residence and during the entire family dinner.

After the satisfying meal, with the stars twinkling overhead and the soft breeze of winter wind rustling through the residence, Jinkan called upon Emery and Julian for a more private conversation. They retreated to a secluded balcony, with Nyx comfortably settled nearby, her feline eyes observing the scene.
