
Spirit Master 2

As the competition progressed, the names of participants were called one by one. Each time a name was called, a magus dressed in opulent robes would step forward, signaling their likely affiliation with a prestigious family or faction.

With a tone devoid of high expectations, the female grand magus instructed, "You can begin now."

The first magus placed two fingers on his forehead, a traditional gesture before commencing the use of spirit reading to manipulate one of the bells. The first bell levitated, vibrated, and resounded with a clear ring in mere moments.


The second bell followed suit, but when he attempted to manipulate the third, it wavered and only ascended slightly before he lost control, causing all three bells to drop.

"Two bells, a failed attempt," declared the female grand magus briefly, and she moved on to the next magus. This pattern continued as five magus participants undertook the test, and none succeeded.
