

Emery awake with the news that Killagragah had finally accepted him. This recognition signified a monumental shift in his journey. He now held two of the coveted four Khaos Gate pieces.

However, possessing these two pieces didn't grant him the privilege to wield their powers simultaneously. It was a choice, he could harness the energy of one gate or the other, but never both at once.

And then there was the matter of Killagragah's unique elemental mastery. The dragon was proficient in manipulating fire and lightning. Emery, though capable, was not yet versed in these elements. If he wished to truly tap into the dragon's reservoir of strength, rigorous training awaited him. 

As the recognized champion of the Famine gate, a new privilege was bestowed upon him. The stone door, which had stood imposingly in chamber was now accessible to him.

Finally after more than 10 years, the door was open were open for him.
