

The battlefield was a grim spectacle, littered with the bodies of the fallen. The sudden and ferocious attack by the dark elves had taken a heavy toll, claiming the lives of 12 magus. Four had fallen at the south gate, and eight more at the east. The cries of the wounded still echoed in the air as Commander Shepard approached Emery who currently still kneeling next to Magus Urix body.

"If it wasn't for you, Emery, more of our magus would have fallen," he said.

But Emery felt no consolation in those words. His mind was fully consumed with the body in front of him. With he knowledge taught by Master Flemming he had successfully extracted the fragile spirit soul from Magus Urix, protecting the ethereal essence as he cradled it in his arm.

"Don't worry, Master. I will take you home," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. 
