

In the aftermath of the giant's thunderous emergence, the once-solid rock of the cave appeared to tremble in terror. A near-deafening cacophony rang out as the colossal creature slammed into the cave's vaulted ceiling, shards of stalactites raining down like deadly hail.

The chamber, bathed in an eerie half-light, amplified the fearsome silhouette of the behemoth as it scanned its environment with a singular, monstrous eye. This leviathan of the underworld was both bewildering and terrifying in its strange, human-like form.

The air crackled with unseen energy as the giant began to vocalize. Its voice was a tumultuous symphony of alien sounds, a language too obscure for the symbols embedded in the palms of Klea and her companions to decipher. Though the meaning was lost, the sentiment was clear. Anger radiated from the creature in waves, its ire palpable as the cave walls vibrated in sync with its vocalizations.
