

The old chief Beowulf seemed to have timed the schedule well, as tonight was one of the days when the moon of the Silvermane Planet was in full circle. The known best time to perform the wolf pack rituals. 

As the full moon could be seen appearing against the dark night sky, Emery could hear many howls resounding throughout the Silvermane City. 

The four of them stood before Emery – Yoro, Andrei, Tatyana, and Morgana, with the moon's silvery light illuminating the courtyard where they were and the old chief Beowulf on the sideline ready to guide the process.

It was at this moment that Emery remembered within his memory that he had done such a ritual with the Fey sisters, but not Morgana. He was curious how it would go this time, whether it would be the same or a completely different experience.
