

What Emery had decided to do might seem foolish at first glance, that it was a rash and unwise decision made impulsively out of emotions. In reality though, he had given it quite a bit of thought before he eventually jumped into the arena.

Firstly, he truly believed that he would not get anywhere by staying obscure in the shadows. By displaying his strength, he aimed to attract the attention of the Alpha King or the people around him. Either way, that would be his opportunity – the first step to enter their inner circle.

Secondly, even though he tried to cover his identity because of his deep hatred for Lucius Corvin, the feeling was actually not mutual at all. 

The worst thing that could happen to Emery was to be found out by the man and cause his plot to kill him all the more difficult. The man, on the other hand, had no reason to kill him. As long as he kept away from joining his inner pack, he should be fine.
