

To be honest, Emery wanted to use the remaining time he had to cultivate and absorb the energy that was still in his core. However, Silva was adamant on her wish as always. In the end, he found himself being taken to a corner of the bustling Golden City.

It was an entire block of streets that Emery had never visited nor seen before. The place had a unique atmosphere with its mixed-style decor as if it came from many different cultures. Moreover, most of them seemed to be made of natural materials.

However, what surprised Emery the most was that the entire street was packed with various races of half-bloods and hybrid individuals. This sight brought a familiar feeling to him, it reminded him of Zodiac City.

"From your face, I can tell that you have never been here." Silva said, breaking him out of his reverie. With her back facing the bustling street and a wide smile on her face, "Welcome! To the Inhumane Town!"
