

The sun reached its highest position in the vast azure expanse as the fifth day of the tournament reached its halfway point. Yet, the passion and energy that the crowd of onlookers showed were still the same as it was at the start of the day.

Stepping into the arena where hundreds of acolytes had fought for the championship title, Magus Serena beamed a bright smile at the audience and once again fanned their spirits to the max. It was then that she gave a brief introduction to each of the 16 acolytes who made it through, as well as their matches to advance to the top 8 quarterfinals.

[Diyoo] versus [Zetto] 

[Mahinder Nieves] versus [Shatter Cross]

[Emery Ambrose] versus [Mera] 

[Eeshoo Nephilim] versus [Atlas III]

[Thrax] versus [Zach Talon] 

[Lyndell] versus [Anzi Tamasi] 

[Olivier Arkaland] versus [Jai Strider]

[Roran Harlight] versus  [Annara Vermont]
