
Nexus Battle 4

Outside, things didn't seem to be going so well with the battle between the eight magus. Even with an advantage of two against one, the humans were still struggling to win against the elven side. 

This was because each of the elven magus had advantages in every department; higher battle power, higher soul force, and in comparison with the Nexus Magus, comprehensively better techniques.

The only reason both Stildar and Aruka still had not been defeated yet was that the flaming dark elf magus was solely toying with them. 

On the other side, the female-looking magus Wildon and his companion Rodrick were in a much worse situation. The former had his spear broken in two while Rodrik was turned blind by the dark element magus. The two still tried their best to fight, but would most likely won't last 10 minutes.
