
Fighting the Dragon

As soon as Emery saw his friends, he dashed towards the crowd of hundreds of people. 

"Klea, Chumo, Thrax! What are you all doing here?!"

Unfortunately for Emery, or rather just as expected, his somewhat rough question didn't get a great reception. Especially from a certain person.

"Hey! What's with the reaction? Aren't you happy that we are here?" Klea furrowed her brows as she spoke those words. The brawn of the team, the one known as Gladiator, however, laughed boisterously at Emery.

"Hoho! What are you talking about, my friend? It's a duel between you and that dragon guy! Of course, there's no way we're going to miss it!"

Emery threw an apologetic look at Klea, when he realized how rude his question sounded.

Turning his gaze to the only person left of the three, Chumo smiled and calmly said, "Us three got limited access to watch the duel."

Upon hearing that, a look of confusion appeared on Emery's face. "Aaa, how did that happen?"
