

Emery saw the man with messy golden hair look at him with a wicked smile. The man appeared to be preparing a martial art stance the moment Emery arrived, he sarcastically said,

"How dare you insult me by being late! Huh, rank 9! Test rank doesn't mean shit without skill!"

Despite the fact the person in front of him did seem to be acting a little too dramatic, it was true he was being late. Since it was an undeniable fact, he just responded to the animosity with a smile.

"I am sorry. I was too occupied with my apothecary before!" Emery responded.

His explanation, on the other hand, only served to enrage the man even more. The fact Emery forgot he had a duel with the man apparently was taken as an insult to him. 

"Dammit, you forgot! A fight with me!? Diyoo! I will make you never forget this fight for the rest of your puny life!" The messy golden-haired man exclaimed with a slightly raised tone in his voice.
