

Magus Academy.

A beautiful young girl could be seen walking out of the headmaster's office. However, instead of a healthy glow, her face possessed a pale complexion, as if she was terminally ill.

She appeared to be so full of thoughts she even took the wrong path towards the magus academy portal gate. Immediately, the girl turned around and went to where she wanted to go.

Terra City. 

The place where Lord Izta's city was at.

As the girl walked through the streets of the city and made her way towards the majestic castle seen in the distance, she could feel her steps gradually become heavier as time passed. Ache and painful sensations appeared on her chest, as bad thoughts started to sprout in her mind.

The girl was so distracted she didn't even notice that she had arrived at the castle, where three young men seemed to have been waiting for her.

The moment they saw her, one of the boys immediately rushed towards her.
