

"What is this place, Emery? From outside, I can't sense anything, but here… The spirit reading was off the charts."

Klea's eyes were twinkling with excitement. She was unable to believe such a place existed in their world. Exotic animals with bright, beautiful colors roam the place; she looked to the side right as a small, silver-furred animal ran past them, before disappearing into the bushes. Everything was new and every few steps, she took the time to stop and examine the plants she had never seen before.

She grew up in the Library of Alexandria, the center of the world's knowledge and research. She was sure no such place existed in this world, but today she was proven wrong.

The two walked together across the bridge and stood in front of the tree.

Right as they arrived, Klea saw the sleeping monstrous bear-like creature with plants on its back. It was lying down right at the base of the tree.
