
Who are you?

There were still a few knights surrounding him, but for now, Emery's gaze didn't waver from the figure that was emerging from the shadows.

The amount of spirit energy the figure possesses made the air thick, each breath he took was crackling with jolts of power. The surrounding knights gritted their teeth in response as the crackling air tickled their skin and made even breathing uncomfortable.

Emery gripped his dagger tight and dashed around, killing the last of the knights surrounding him with a quick slash to the neck.


With one swing, two knights fell to his sword. Only four knights were left and they looked at each other before deciding to retreat with their tails tucked between their legs.

Emery was now able to get a clearer look at the approaching figure. The figure was riding on top of a horse wearing a black cloak covering its entire body. It suddenly raised its arm towards the fleeing knights.
