

Emery could feel himself being dragged by something. Judging from the size of the thing grasping him, whoever or whatever was taking him away must have been something or someone quite big. His restraints were locked on tight and his mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton, making him unable to scream. Then, he felt himself being tossed inside a cold, metallic space probably some kind of a box.

With time to himself, Emery wondered who would do such a thing. Taking a participating acolyte in the middle of a game, with a huge crowd gathered. The incident would risk so many witnesses and the getaway should not be easy.

Was he being taken so he would be unable to participate in the final match? That was certainly a possibility, if he was a top champion or a strong contender for the title. But, as much as it pained him, he knew he was a nobody. No one would go to such lengths to keep him from the match.
