

The group was taken to the top of the apprentice building, where the exam was going to be held. There was nothing other than them and the subtle sounds of gears turning around them, nonetheless the cage took them to their destination without a hitch.

Every time Emery went to the Golden City, he couldn't help but feel utter amazement. It must have taken a significant amount of effort to create such marvels with machines.

For most of his life, Emery was always interested in crafts. He always wanted to take the things he saw here apart and saw firsthand how each component interacted with the others to create the results he currently saw.

On one hand, Emery did realize he really needed to get used to the wonders he saw here quickly to not embarrass the other lower world acolytes every time he came. However, as if fate itself wanted to give an answer to his decision, Emery ended up gasping again when he arrived at the top floor of the building.
