

Inside the dark room, dimly lit by the flickering candle light, the two men, Padraig, the chief marauder of Crimson Fang and Sir Bagdemagus, the Knight of the Anvil, were sitting in front of a table across each other. 

The handless criminal seemed to slightly jump every time the old knight moved even though all the knight had done was adjust his chair while grunting and sighing at the same time. 

When the old knight placed his hands on the table, the other man shook, and grimly said, "Padraig, you know what's your mistake, right?"

"Y-y-yes lord knight! I-I-I've done great harm to the people of the kingdom. I swear on my life, I shall not do it again," stuttered Padraig, trembling on his chair. 

As Emery watched, the arrogant marauder leader had turned into a completely different person. 

"Yes… right… However, that's not what I wanted to hear…" answered Bagdemagus.
