


Time ever passed as its nature; Emery decided to stay in the settlement called Mistshire for the meantime. He postponed his thoughts of finding out more about the marauders' chief, Padraig and who was the mastermind behind the attack.

For now, he spent time helping Granny maintaining the herb garden and learning how to make various potions. Granny observed the young Emery and grew increasingly fond of him since his ability in caring for the plants and natural talent in potion-making was a cut above Lanzo. Due to her growing trust in Emery, she gave more and more tasks to him and in return, Emery's understanding of the plant element and concocting potions resulted in him gaining knowledge more than he had ever expected. Fortunately, Lanzo didn't seem to mind it one bit and continued on his own business in gathering plants and helping Granny with various tasks.
