
Cape Town.

The drive from Johannesburg city down to Cape Town took about 13 hours and 49 minutes.....that's a long time. A lot of people slept during the journey, most of them were tired and hungry. Noticing it, the driver stopped in the middle of the journey so the hungry ones could get down from the bus and find something to eat. Best of all, he stopped in front of a food store and a mini-restaurant so things would be easier for them.

Mark, Ben, and Dylan were hungry, but they didn't want to eat anything at that moment, so they just bought drinks from the store which they could use in wetting their mouths. Luckily for them, the store accepted their dollar currency. By the time they arrived in Cape Town, it was already late in the night. The bus dropped them at one of the bus stations in Cape Town. All passengers began descending from the bus one after the other and in an orderly manner.....there's no need to rush.
