

This chapter is very gory and includes mauling a person… so yeah read at your own discretion!


Chapter 3:

My face lost all emotion, my eyes were burning with a cold fire, these shitheads dare?! I quickly accepted the quest and took out my dagger and went into a stance with my dagger in front of me, I felt the +5 DEX come empower me and made me feel faster.

My unclothed Dagger shone with a sinister light, as if waiting for blood to be spilt.

The two idiots reached me, I quickly ducked down under the punch from behind and rolled sideways away from where I just was, it was spot that the knife just stabbed.

I switched my dagger to reverse-grip, I took the extended arm with the knife and stabbed at the one holding the knife in the side, I felt the flesh tear apart as I quickly took the dagger out of the already heavily bleeding wound.

The other one still with his arm extended stood still like he couldn't believe what happened, he started shaking and then turned to run away.

I couldn't let him run away, I took my dagger by its tip and threw it at the back of the unlucky teen.

The daggers serrated edge ripped the running victim's back and stayed there, he dropped as soon as it did, I quickly ran up and covered the person's mouth. I couldn't let everyone know about this because he screamed, eh?

I took the dagger out of his back again, he struggled to move away from my grasp but before he could I stabbed at his neck, blood oozed out and I stabbed again… and again and again. I knew he was dead but I was so angry, how dare they even threaten my family?

Only when my bloodlust was sated could I leave the body of these two idiots, I quickly stuffed them in my inventory. I'd have to just keep them in there.

I looked at my hands, the same hands that repeatedly stabbed a person to death and made the other person die of blood loss from a gaping hole in them.

I sighed, I did feel guilty but it was squashed quickly, but why did I feel so melancholic.

Was it because of what I did? Or was it because I've changed so much? I mean, imagine staying in a black void while being conscious the whole time, I've felt my memories slowly, bit by bit being removed but at the same time I felt in peace.

I had time to think about everything it gave me time to think about everything I did and maybe it along with [Gamer's Mind] changed my mind fundamentally.

I looked at my surroundings and at myself, I was covered in blood, the same blood that was splatted against the walls and floor of the alley ways. I sighed I dealt with the bodies but how could I deal with the blood on me? Wait, didn't I get a fresh set of clothes from the emergency quest?

I quickly checked and there it was:

[Emergency Quest!] Completed!


Kill these two Hostiles (2/2)


400 EXP

Skill: Bloodlust

Skill: Dagger Mastery

Title: Cold-Blooded Killer

A fresh set of clothes

All blood disappearing in this alley way

I sighed, this question mark came really in handy. Wait shouldn't I have levelled up? I checked my status:

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title – Cold-Blooded Killer

Class – Wizard (Locked)

HP – 350/350 (55HP/minute)

SP – 400/400 (80SP/ minute)

MP – 350/350 (55MP/minute)

Lvl 3 – 250/300

Race – Wizard (Locked) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

STR – 5

DEX – 5 (+5) = 10

VIT – 5

INT – 5

WIS – 5

LUC – 5

CHA –5

Points – 10

Money: 0G/0S/0K –£10

I pressed on the title I had just gotten.

Title: Cold-Blooded Killer

You do not feel remorse for killing another human. Your blood is as cold as ice and your heart will never beat the same way after killing.

I also checked my two new skills.

+5% stats when you switch to your Cold-Blooded Killer Persona.

Short-Blade Mastery (Passive) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

The ability to passively handle short bladed weapons better.

+5% attack DMG with short-bladed weapons.

+5% speed with short-bladed weapons.

Bloodlust (Active) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

A skill where you can project you bloodlust by mixing it with magic and projecting it outwards,

Those that are within 5 levels of you have a 10% chance of obtaining status: Fear. Those with mentally weak minds can freeze up.

Fear: has a heightened sense of fear of you.

Cost: 30MP/Minute.

Not going to lie… this makes me somewhat glad I killed those two dim-witted fools, I looked at the place they fell. Right there were a few things shining, I got close to them, I saw what they were.

They were 'loot drops' that were dropped by the two idiots, I snatched everything quickly and found that they had around £120 pounds, one knife and a small business card, I stuffed everything into my inventory.

As I walked out of the alley, I saw the position of the sun in the sky as I felt its glow illuminate me. Shit… I started running as fast I could, I put the dagger in one of the slots that were on my character chart, while it couldn't be seen or be here unless I willed it to, its effect still applied.

It's nearly afternoon. This means that I will probably get scolded by the matron, but… I'll also lost the privilege of being able to eat any of Sarah's cookies.

'They are so tasty, I can't be late' I thought with determination burning in my eyes.

I felt the boost of speed from before, it wasn't enough. I put five of my stat points into DEX as well, I checked my DEX.

DEX – 10 (+5) = 15

This would do for now, started sprinting as hard as I could, I heard a notification, I hoped I had just created some sort of running skill. I quickly checked it.

Sprint (Active) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

You can now run faster when this skill is activated. Your normal speed is 10km/h, which is average.

+10% Speed when used

Cost: 50SP (+20 SP for +10% Speed)/minute

While this is good it would tire me out quickly, my SP was regenerating faster than I could lose it so this would be fine, I then activated [Sprint].


I inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm myself, I was coated with sweat. My clothes clung to me, but I reached the orphanage, with one last breath I quickly went in with the shopping bag in one hand.

I had just taken it out of the inventory so I wouldn't look suspicious, if I walked in with nothing in hand and then suddenly turn up with a bag of groceries inside the orphanage, or god forsake someone saw me do it, a whole shit storm would start brewing.

And right there was the matron in all of her elderly glory, if I had four words to talk about my predicament I would say: 'I-am-so-fucked'.

What ensued was the longest scolding I've ever gotten, I mean fair enough I usually don't stay this late at all but sheesh.

"Young man, I hope you have a reason why you were out so late" she asked sternly.

"of course, I was just bringing some groceries home when I saw an old women walking across the road but she was having trouble so I helped her, then I met a black cat on my way so I had to take the scenic route" I said with a smile.

Shit, why did I mention a cat? Really? As I was berating myself it seemed that the matron actually believed me.

"Thank you for helping the old women walk, it's always good to respect your elders. And also I didn't know you believed in such myths, I thought you were much more… factual"

"hahaha… yeah well, I should probably go get some of Sister Sarah's cookies" I laughed awkwardly and pointed to the kitchen, please get me out of here.

"Well yes they are quite good, go on then, I won't keep you waiting" she said with a small smile. Thank you who ever heard my plea.

I didn't say anything and ran into the kitchen, my mission was clear:


Get the cookies, don't let some runts steal all ye gold!


Secure at least 5 cookies (0/5)




50 EXP


You won't be able to eat cookies for a whole month


I accepted quickly and ran as fast as I could, I quickly activated [Sprint] and dashed towards the table where the cookies lay.

Like a vulture, I took any means necessary to ensure my success, including using my new skill:

Bloodlust (Active) Lvl 1 EXP: 10.08

A skill where you can project you bloodlust by mixing it with magic and projecting it outwards,

Those that are within 5 levels of you have a 10% chance of obtaining status: Fear. Those with mentally weak minds can freeze up.

Fear: has a heightened sense of fear of you.

Cost: 30MP/Minute.

The gits never saw it coming, I swooped down and took a handful of cookies, I counted four.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue, I needed to get one more. I scanned the plate, there was one more but the target was being sought after by another as well. I saw the kid run trying to get to the cookie before me but for no avail, for I used both [Sprint] and [Bloodlust]. This with my added DEX, the kid never had a chance, "hehehe-muahahahaha" I started madly laughing.

"Big brother is being weird again" one of the kids whispered to another, thankfully I snapped out of my cookie obsession as soon as I heard them.

"Anyways, see you guys later I'm going to go to my room for a bit, oh and say thanks to Sarah" I waved at the kids and started walking towards my room.

Once I reached my room I accepted the quest rewards, the cookies were already in my arms so the EXP just added to my EXP, and I levelled up.

I am kind of excited for my description as well, would it be something badass? I was excited to learn what it is.

I checked my status.

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title – Cold-Blooded Killer

Class – Wizard (Locked) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

HP – 470/470 (75HP/minute)

SP – 550/550 (115SP/ minute)

MP – 450/450 (65MP/minute)

Lvl 4 – 0/400

Race – Wizard (Half-Blood)

STR – 5

DEX – 10 (+5) = 15

VIT – 7

INT – 5

WIS – 5

LUC – 5

CHA –5

Points – 10

Money: 0G/0S/0K –£130

Allen King is an orphan, he has been reincarnated into this world with the P-System. He does not know his parents of this world but he knows his family: the people at the orphanage. He is a half-blood, the heir of the Ancient and Most Noble household of ?

"What the fuck?" was the only thing that came out of my mouth after I read my description.

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