
Hal Puts On A Show.

Black Lagoon...

Sheik's Residence...

Hal was wondering if he had heard wrong and maybe, just maybe he did not just hear the Sheik order his execution.

Then again, he had impeccable hearing and there was no way he had misheard anything.

"Will everyone just calm down, please. How can you base your decision on the word of one person? I mean, she can't possibly know every single family in the whole of the Silva Duchy capital. I mean that place is huge" Hal said.

The capital was more than three times the size of Sapphire city and with thrice as much population.

Gavin turned to Lucile whose expression remained disinterested but now Hal thought he could see a hint of a smile playing on her lips, 

"Well, I may have missed some families" she admitted but Hal could tell it was an attempt to mock him.

"You are too modest my lady. I know of your network and if you say you don't know a Klint family then I believe it is so.
