
I Am Curious.

In a minute Hal branded all those of the Payne forces with the Devil mark. He offered none of them contracts because as of that moment they were not truly part of HIS force and would only prove themselves worthy in the coming civil war.

In other words, he was going to use them as meat shields and not give a crap if any of them lost their lives. Only those who survived would be offered Contracts and formally initiated into his force.

Hal was not only doing this because of his grudge against the Payne family but also because he had realized that somehow, he was letting any Tom, Dick and Harry into his force.

True he could offer them incredible techniques that would improve their cultivation speed drastically, but how fast and far they would progress would depend solely on their personal comprehension and talent.

When talent was low then resources were practically being wasted. It was why, even at that moment, Hal was still drafting his men.
