
Chapter 24: My Blood Trembles

It is a place of whirling winds and bright lights, yet darkness lingers in every corner. spirits speak to me as if they know me, but I do not know myself. I am lost and have forgotten how to return.

Francesca awoke lying on a hospital bed. A synthetic hose ran up thorough her nose and tubes were attached to her arms.

Why am I here? Who am I?

She tried to reach the bed rail to pull herself up but found that her right arm was in a cast that covered up to her shoulder. She tried to speak, but her lips were haloed by bandages and her jaw was sealed shut. All she could do was grunt and moan. The attending nurse on staff was checking her vitals when Francesca opened her eyes.

"Well, well, look who’s with the living! If you hear me, blink your eyes and I'll know you are there!"

"Uurr! WAAA! Grrr!"

“I'm so glad your back. It was touch and go there for a while. I’ll have the doctor come in and check on you. Now, don’t leave us again sweetheart!”
