
Chapter 6

Queens, New York

Ari left the hospital to clean up and get some rest while they waited to find out the next steps with Henley. It had been the first time that she had been back to her dorm room since the incident. She vowed to come back for the rest of her things later.

“Hey, stranger!” Vickie chirped when Ari walked through the door, pulling her in for a hug. She released her a moment later and looked into her eyes. “So, how’s Henley?”

Ari sighed, feeling the effects of the last few days as she plopped down on the sofa. “She has Leukemia. The tests came back positive.”

Vickie’s eyes widened. “Oh, Ari! I’m so sorry….”

Ari thought for a moment and then leaned forward, propping her elbows on her knees. “May I ask you something?”

Vickie sat on the love seat across from her and leaned forward. “Of course, you can! You can ask me anything! You know that! What do you need?”

“I have an idea and I need to talk to you about it. But you have to promise not to tell anyone.”

Vickie scoffed. “Honey! If I talked, you’d be in bigtime trouble!” Of course, she was just kidding. Ari had never done anything that wild before.

Ari bit her lower lip and released it. “I’m thinking about becoming a modern mail-order bride.”

“You what?” Vickie’s voice rose several octaves. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Ari shrugged. “Well, it’s either that or rob a bank.”

“Please....” Vickie took her hands into her own. “Tell me that you’re kidding.”

“Nope.” Ari released her hands, not telling her that she had actually been drawing out a plan when Melissa approached her table. “I’m still a virgin, so I figure that may be worth something.”

“It’s worth everything!” Vickie shrieked. “Ari... what am I going to do with you, girl? Are you sure you want to give up your V-card… like this?”


Vickie didn’t look convinced.

Ari reached over and took her hand. “I’m serious.”

“So am I!” Vickie sat on the sofa beside her. “One minute you’re talking about Henley, and the next minute, you’re talking about getting married!” She looked into her eyes. “You’re talking crazy woman! But don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone, and we’ll forget we even had this conversation.”

Ari smiled. “My mother doesn’t have health insurance and, somehow, I don’t think that the school clinic is going to pay for chemotherapy treatments.” She shrugged. “I’ve got to come up with the money somehow.”

Vickie scoffed. “They why don’t you just sell your virginity and get it over with?”

“I’m not a prostitute,” Ari said flatly.

“But at least you won’t have a husband to deal with for the rest of your life!” Vickie shouted, but quickly lowered her voice after taking a deep, calming breath. “Are you sure you’ll get enough for what you need by doing this?”

“I can make it a stipulation.” Ari sighed as she sat back against the sofa. “I don’t know, but a nurse at the hospital was telling me about this site called AmericanMate—”

Vickie’s eyes widened again. “A nurse told you about this,” she said in disbelief.

Ari nodded. “Yes, and I did some research and there are sites, out of the country, of course, where you can sell your virginity. But there are also international marriage brokers that arrange dates.” Ari shrugged. “It’s between the couple whether they get married or not.”

“Like a dating service?”

Ari shrugged. “Nearly. But these sites cater to a high-end clientele.”

“Why are we even talking about this?” Vickie grabbed her shoulders, forcing Ari to look into her eyes. For once, Vickie was actually being the voice of reason. Usually it was the other way around.

“For Henley!” Ari stood to look out the window, folding her arms across her chest, watching the snow fall. “Vickie, how else am I going to get the money for her treatment?”

Ari felt a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t want this to sound cold….” She lowered her voice. “But you are not responsible for your sister.”

Tears filled her eyes, ready to spill over. Then she looked into Vickie’s eyes. “Yes, I am. She’s my little sister. I’d give my life for her, if I could.”

“Well, essentially, you are.” Vickie looked as if she was going to cry, too.

Ari smiled through her tears. “Not hardly. I’ll still be alive.”

Vickie scoffed. “Yeah, it sounds noble and all, but what if you get a rapist... or... or worse? Think about Game of Thrones!”

Ari laughed as she walked back to the sofa. “The men are heavily screened.”

Vickie sat beside her. “So, you’ve called them?”

Ari shook her head. “No, not yet.”

“Well....” Vickie took her hands, her voice suddenly filled with excitement as a broad smile spread across her caramel face. “If you’re going to do this, then we’re going to do it right. I’ll help you screen the guys, we’ll do your hair and makeup, and we’ll find you a rockin’ hot, rich hottie!”

Ari laughed. Leave it to Vickie to find the rainbow in the rain.

“And look at it this way,” Vickie continued, suddenly excited beyond reason, “You’re getting married!” Vickie squealed with delight and then she froze, opened her mouth wide. “Who knows? We might even find a hottie for me, too!”

Ari smiled through her tears, feeling much better than she had in days, as she opened her mind to the possibilities. Ari just hoped that Vickie was right and that they found her the man of her dreams... and not a wolf in hottie clothing.
