
The Untold Confess

"Nini... I have something to say." Lisa said, inhale and exhale deeply, "I love you...."

Lisa has been practiced it for the whole morning since she woke up. She's at the bathroom, saying the same exact lines to the mirror again and again but with different expressions. Lisa's thinking of confessing today, cause today it's the date they had their first met, and she's pretty sure that Jennie has the same feeling towards her. "UGh, why is it so hard for you Lisa! You are just telling your feeling towards her, nothing else." She said smacking her head and start practicing again.

Meanwhile at the living room....

"Where's she"

"She's probably preparing herself, give h-"

"You expected me to wait her for breakfast? Tell her to come down immediately." He look at her and spat coldly made her wife flinched a little then quickly went upstairs to call Lisa.

*Knock Knock*

"Lisayah~ Sweetie?" Her mom opened the door but found no one inside the room. "Sweetie? Lisa?" She then called out.

"Yes mom? In the bathroom." Lisa yelled back, her mom quickly walk towards the bathroom and goes in then look at her quite shock.

"Yah Lisa what are you doing here, why aren't you still not dressed. Quickly go prepare yourself." She urged her then started pushing Lisa into the shower.

"Ai Mom what's with the rush, I'm not late for sc-"

"He's here" Her mom cut her words and said. "So start ready yourself and quickly go down there with me right now." Lisa furrowed her brows, her face became heavy after hearing what her mom just said. She then walked back to the sink and sighed, then look up at her mom through the mirror, "Tell him I'll be there in a sec, you guys eat first." Her mom was about to complain but didn't when showed her a fine look and whispered a go. As soon as her mom left, Lisa looked up at the mirror and sighed deeply, "Here we go." She said and went into the shower.

Back to the Living room, when her dad saw her wife coming down but without the person he wants, he the furrowed his brows at her, "Just you?"

"She'll be here in a m-" He didn't let her finish the sentence as he put down the newspaper harshly.

"What part of immediately don't you understand?" He asked in a low tone and look at her with his cold stare, he then stand up, rolled up his sleeves and was about to hit her when Lisa came and grabbed his arm.

"Is that how you treat your wife?" Lisa asked coldly. But he scoffs, then shoved her hands away harshly and sat down.

"Well, blame yourself for not coming down immediately as I told." He then grabbing the fork up and started eating. Lisa then looked at her mom worriedly then went to her seat when her mom mouthed her she's fine.

"Why are you here today? I thought you'll never have breakfast with us?" Lisa said sarcastically made the man chuckled.

"Well, I'm still your fa-"

"STEP father." Lisa cut his words, emphasized the word step and spat coldly without looking at him.

"Right. Still it's a dad." He said, giggled in a low tone. "I'm here to tell you something." He said but seeing Lisa not responding make him gritted his teeth and chuckled. "To be more accurate, it's a warn." He then continued and took out a picture with Lisa and Jennie on it, placing it in front of Lisa's plate. He smirked when he saw Lisa widened her eyes while she saw the picture.

"So it's true? You guys are close huh." He said in a deep voice, raised his brow.

"So you're spying on me now?" Lisa act composed and asked, eating her foods, not looking at him, not even a glance. He then grunts and chuckled in a creepy way.

"You know, I trained you a lot, not for you to make friends outside and doing useless things." He said, continued eating then drank some water, he continued speaking when Lisa remained silence. "Leave her." He said barely, made Lisa froze on her seat more.

"No." Lisa replied simply in a cold tone, still looking down at the picture. He nodded slowly then signaled his man to come over. The man gave him a file then went back to his spot. Her dad placed the file beside, fingers tapping on it then smirked again, but evilly this time.

"I got her files here and I'm sure you know what's gonna happen if you don't listen to me." He said made Lisa finally look up at him with teary eyes, he smirked then smiled viciously. Her mom started crying silently beside when Lisa opened her mouth for a while and finally utter out a word with tremble voice.


"For the sake of your own good. You'll have to be me in the future, exactly me." He said then laughed and continued finished his foods. "I'm done now, think wisely Lisa." He then left the house. A tear left out from Lisa, as soon as he left.

"Why mom, WHY!" Lisa asked, hugging her mom tightly, feeling numb.

"It's gonna pass, just hang on baby, hang on tight." Her mom comforts, crying, patting her back. "Go to school now, it's time. Please, stop the connection with that girl, for her own good, for both of you." Tears continue coming out from her mom's eyes.

"Mom, please stop crying." She said wiping out her tears, "But I'm sorry if I can't do what he wants." She said then go out quickly, doesn't want to see her mom breaks down more. She heaved out a heavy sigh as she wipe her tears off, unlocked her bike and ride off to school.

[Lisa's POV]

I've just arrived school locking my bike when I saw Jennie skipping in the building happily, like a free little kitten. I smiled sadly when I remembered about earlier, I shook my head to stop what's on my mind now and took a deep breath while walking in the building. As soon as I get in the classroom, it's still empty, only Jennie is sitting there alone, when she saw me, she waved at me and showed her gummy smile, I waved back and smiled sweetly at her acting like everything is fine, cause I don't want her to know about this mess.

"Morning Nini, how's your sleep last night?" I asked sitting down beside her today since it's near the end of semester, the teacher won't be strict about seats anymore.

"Great, you? I had a sweet dream last night."

"Same. Oh really? What's it about?" I asked looking at her lovingly.

"Secret." She then giggled and turn to open her bag taking out the notes. I just keep staring at her every move, "How will I able to leave this girl, it will be hard for me to just not talk to her, not to mention about leaving her." I thought, then smiled sadly. I turned my face around as soon as she turned around to me.

"Lili you ok? You look bad." She said then hold my face close to hers, not realizing our face are just inch apart. She gulped and so do I, "So-sorry." She then quickly released my face and move back to her seat. I cleared my throat and went back to sense when she moved back.

"I-I um I'm fine, don't need to worry." I said and assure her a smile, she then smiled back. My hands then secretly went down the table and hold her hands, squeezed it gently. I took a glance on her and saw her blushing, I smiled secretly at her cuteness. As we were holding hands, I felt flash light flashes over the empty classroom, then I quickly turn to see the door, and saw a black shadow flash over quick.

"What's wrong? You really seemed tense today." She asked worriedly, caressing my hand.

"I'm fine, maybe it's the weather, it's kinda hot today, makes me a bit dizzy."

"Tell me if you are feeling awful, we'll go to the nurse then, hmm?" She said in a concern tone made me chuckled and pinched her cheeks. "Oww, don't pinch my cheeks." She pouted and whined.

"Sorry, you're just too cute." I said and she blushes not looking at me.

"Aish, stop it." I just laughed at her cuteness, but when I thought about the black shadow I have a clue, "I guess that's the one he send to keep an eye on me." I mumbled.

"Hmm? You said something?" Jennie suddenly asked.

"Oh nah, nothing." I smile at her and said, but still worrying about the warn I received this morning. "I guess I'll need to cancel the confession plan today." I thought then closed my eyes, still holding Jennie's hands, waiting for class to start.


Hours past and we've finished our classes for today, I was walking to my locker when I saw Jisoo standing in front of her locker staring at it blankly. I went over and pat her shoulder which startled her a bit.

"Thinking about something?" I asked made her sighed then look up blankly again, something happened I could tell or she won't act like this. "Mind sharing? I asked again made her look back but not at me.

"Nayeon confessed to me." She said almost whispered, I got shock at what she said.

"Nayeon?" I asked unbelievable and she nodded. "Well, what did you say to her?"

"Sorry I don't feel the same."


"She said it's fine, she get it." Jisoo then left out a sigh again. "Don't tell anyone, she said she likes me, but she's also quite confuse about her feelings." I just nodded, don't know what to say. She then turned to me, "You? You don't look good today?" She asked and it's my turn to sigh.

"Long story." I said looking down at my shoes.

"He gave out a threat, didn't he?" Jisoo said, I look at her and nod. She then lean herself on the locker, I just stand at there, thinking about thousands consequences that might happen. "What you gonna do about it?" She asked again, I already have an answer in my mind.

"Nothing." I said made her look at me seriously.

"What if-"

I cut her words, "He won't go too far, he still needs me."

"Did you forget what happened before, don't let it happen again, or worse." She warned, I look at her for a while then look back to the wall.

"I know what I'm doing, just help me keep an eye on Jennie, make sure she's safe." I remind her, she sighed then nodded.

"I will, but please, do me a favor. If things go too far, that's when you have to let it go." She remind again then pat my back, smiled at me sadly, I did the same and left out a sigh. "When will these ends?" I thought in my mind, heart feeling numb, hoping someday I could have my future back.

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