
Chapter 179: Loss

Alex slurped the rest of her soup and set her bowl down in front of her. Lexi already finished and was sitting quietly watching the people around them. Jimmy sat across from them looking grumpy while he ate. Seana sat at his elbow carrying on about how hot it had been that day.

Jimmy's eyes lifted to Alex's as he listened to Seana. His eyes squinted like he had a headache. He cut Seana off and glared at Alex. "Hey hybrid, why don't you get a haircut? I'm sick of looking at you. You look like we pulled you out of a dumpster."

"You kind of did," Alex said quietly.

He furrowed his brow. "If you won't, then put your hat back on. You're making me depressed."

Alex rolled her eyes and caught Lexi doing the same. She smiled as she looked over to her. Lexi's own blonde hair was growing out at the roots, giving her a two-toned look. Alex flipped out her knife and handed it to Lexi. "Would you like to do the honors?"
