
Chapter 47


Pinochle is a terrible card game. My grandmother taught me when I was fourteen and I've always hated it. I just always play with her because my grandfather used to and it's one more thing me and her can reminisce about him. As she laughs her ass off her recent win, I get off the recliner and head to the kitchen for a water bottle. As I guzzle down the refreshing drink I think back on Austin and I's conversation a few minutes ago.

Austin sounded distracted but it's to be expected. He did tell me that he had another meeting with that Snake guy today, so he is probably still absorbed with that. I hate that he can't be too specific about club business with me, but when I spoke to Abby about it, she explained to me that lots of old ladies feel that way, but it was for our own good. She also told me that after all this is done there won't be secrets between me and Austin because there won't be anything to keep from me. I didn't tell her that I relished in that.
