
Chapter 69: It Was A Good Day

It had been months since the wolf attack and Carmella and Bilal had not ventured off the farm further than the burn pit or to the creek in order to fish.

But there were certain things that they needed that couldn't be easily produced on the farm. When it had just been her, toilet paper could easily last half a year, but now her stockpile had experienced a serious hit, as had the toothpaste and bath soap.

She didn't use much white or brown sugar because what she found was usually rock hard and had to be chipped loose. It was easier to just use fruit to sweeten most items, however, real sugar was definitely better tasting in cookies.

Also she couldn't do without rice and knew of a place that had stores of it in airtight bins. Rice was so plentiful that it was her preferred product for making flour. With one of the dozens of hand cranked food mills and grinders that she had collected over the years she could have a batch of flour milled in less than a minute.
