
Chapter 36


I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I made the last turn for home. It had been a struggle to focus on the drive so I didn't kill myself in a violent wreck before I was able to confront Sharon.


When someone had tapped my arm as I was leaving the benefit and Sharon stood there, that last hold I had on sanity pulled away like a rug under my feet. Just like the first time Sharon had shown up, it had taken me a moment to realize who I was looking at. She'd made the effort to come and I felt trapped. Not wanting to cause a scene, I'd told her to follow me back to the house.

Headlights in my rearview mirror informed me Sharon had stayed close. I pulled into the drive, exited the car, and walked to the front door. I didn't say a word when Sharon silently followed me into the house. Making my way through the living room to the kitchen, I flipped the lights on and set a kettle to boil.
