
Acceptance between each other

I wake up in a cell, and in this cell with laser balls, outside, are Alexandra and the guy who wears some kind of punk clothes and he is also known as Trav if I have to remember the name of the guy, but later I will discover the name of this guy it is Travis. They have put me in this cell for this reason:

"You have to control this werewolf before it is too late," says Alexandra to me.

" Too late for what?" I ask Alexandra while I feel claustrophobic.

"To become a full werewolf version. If you do not control the monster right now... You will become a case where you will have to be contained or worse, be sent into another dimension where you could die at any time."

"... I... See."

"And. To do that, I want you to lay down, close your eyes, and do not think about anything, ignore the surroundings and try to contact your inner werewolf."


"Just try to think that you are talking in front of him, like a crazy person who hasn't talk to someone in quite a long time."

"Alright," I say to Alexandra trying to pretend that I understand what does this thing meant, but in the future, I start to understand how it works, and sometimes I even talk with him when I am lonely.


I do the things Alexandra told me to do it and everything went well until I started to enter my inner body, goes into my brain, and saw there the werewolf who was just looking angry at my brain. At first, I thought, as a joke, ist that I have a bigger brain than him, but later I learned that werewolves have the same dimension of brains as humans if they are half-humans, but if they are arent, then their brain it is at a dimension of a dog.

"So... You have finally arrived."

"Um... Yeah... Nice to meet you too." I say to him while I look around feeling weird because I am in my own body and I can see some things there, the brain, eyes, and even a few blues and red veins who are transporting the oxygen and the blood around my body to keep me alive.

"... Your name was Lydia, right?"

"Yeah. And yours?"

"Werewolves doesn't have a name. They can be named as their owners."

"So, your name is Lydia, too? Quite weird for a male werewolf."

"To werewolves the name it doesn't matter because these names are useless for us. We can recognize each other by our smell and also... by our connections."

"Connections? What kind of connections?" I asked the werewolf who is starting to walk like a dog to my brain.

"... We can communicate telepathy... Does humans have ever achieved this type of communication?"

"We are in 2018... We haven't even achieved a proper submarine or cameras to haunt Monster of Loch Ness." I said a joke to my inner werewolf who is looking at me quite sceptical.

"Loch Ness? Which one?"

"There are more than one?" I surprisingly asked him.

"One hundred different species to be exact. The one who can fly. The one who is in the Black Sea. The one located under houses of Scotlands. And also, ones who are having their home in nuclear rockets... I know. It sounds weird these names for humans, but these monsters use those locations to not be discovered by humankind."

"Let me guess, they cannot handle this information?"

"If this information would create some riots on the street and wars, the is the best that they wouldn't discover these things." says the werewolf. "Now... I know why you are here, to create contact with me?"


"...Alright, let's do it."

"That easy?"


"I thought you are going to hesitate and start biting me or something like that, to teach me a lesson that I will never cooperate with you."

"You have read way too many novels, girl. Look, werewolves can live so much, but, when their possessor dies, they can leave his body and do other business until they will meet the next possessor."

"Um... How much does a werewolf live?"

"It is not set in stone, but somewhere at one hundred to three hundred years."

"That much?!" I asked while I was shocked by this honest answer.

"For you humans, it is much, but for our werewolf kind, it is not enough. Before your race has appeared on the planet, our species used to live more than six hundred years old. We hunt dinosaurs to survive, we eat them flesh to live and we have also tried to protect our ancestors. Which are probably now the dust of Sahara Desert, or the plants in forests."


"I have lived enough to realize something."

"What exactly?"

"That humanity has never changed. They have always been the same. Just different centuries, but the same habits."

"H-How old are you?"

"... One hundred nine years old, Lydia... I may be old to you, but compared to my species, I can be declared a teenager."

After a break of silence, the werewolf raises the arm to me, and then he asked me.

"Are you ready to accept my soul and use my abilities for the greater good?"

"I am!" I said to him when I shook his hairy hands with my girly hands.


A few moments later, I wake up from that thing which has happened earlier, and in front of me it was Alexandra, who was still on that chair and wait for me, but there, Travis was not. I am about to get up on my feet and look at Alexandra. The vampire woman looks at me in doubt and then she asks me to try and transforming one of my limbs into a werewolf.

"How can I do that, though?"

"... Use thought," she says and then she did not say any word and waited for me to try and do that.

"Using though? How the fuck I can do that?" I asked Alexandra after a while, and she did hesitate to respond to my question.

Almost an hour later, I have tried everything, concentrating and yelling to one of my arms to become hairy and look like ones of a werewolf species, I tried to meditate for a few minutes to think that will work, but it did not. And I even tried to punch the ceiling of the cage, just in case if that thing will transform my hand into a werewolf, but it didn't work out well, and also, I broke two fingers while I do that.

"... And I thought my old friend was dumb." says a voice from nowhere, and I have started to look around me, but while I looked around I have noticed something about the voice, it did not have from outside, but from inside.

"Are you the werewolf I did the contract?" I thought to myself, and then I got a clear answer:

"Who else would it be, my mother?" says the werewolf who is not into my body and brain.

"Alright... I am quite scared."

"About what?"

"... Have looked into my secrets I kept for myself?"

"Honey... Your secrets it is your business. And also, those are quite ridiculous."

"Oh, man..." I say this time loud feeling betrayed by the fact that the inner werewolf I have made a contact with, has betrayed me and looked into my ridiculous moments in life I will never be able to totally forget them.

"And, to create an arm you just have to tell me to do that." says the inner werewolf.

"... Are you sure?"


"Okay... Transform my left hand into a werewolf one, please."

And in just a matter of moments, my left hand has become from a girl one, into a werewolf one filled with grey hair, five claws very sharp, and also the hand, it is now one who resembles a dog pawn.

"Wicked," I say while I look shocked at Alexandra who smiles and gets from her seat and goes to one pannel on the cage, to close those lasers bars, and opens the cage.

When she has done this thing, the inner werewolf told me "Be careful! Not all vampires are good mutants.", and I replied to him "I got it.". Then, Alexandra and I shake hands and leave this prison room.
