
Building A Lake City

"I understand," he then turned to his army flying silently behind, "we'll go there and clean this place up. Don't show any mercy, and try to clear everything within one day."

He knew Deem wouldn't hesitate to send off the workers once more reinforcements arrived at the city. That meant they only got one day or two at max, and during which he needed to make this place ready to construct his grand city.

The next thing happened for him to activate his technique and descended like thunder upon his enemies. Despite their large numbers, they seemed quite disarrayed, as if they lacked any suitable general or any kind of decent leaders.

And this made the task of Arthur and his elite force easier. In less than half a day they managed to clear the place, while most of the survivors ran off, seeking refuge at the nearby forest.

"Go there and scan that forest," Arthur ordered before adding, "don't delve deep, I only want this place to be secured."
