
I can't believe this.

I hate my life.

I hate my existence

I hate being sad over and over and over again.

I hate feeling like my heart is being torn into pieces over and over again.

I hate all my problems.

I just want them all to go away.

I just want to go away.

I wipe my falling tears as I walk away from Christian.

He doesn't call me back, neither does he hold me.

Like it should be.

I walk to the parking lot before I realize I don't have a ride home.


I can't go back in and I know I'm not about to ask Christian for a ride home. 

God forbid that.

I sigh as I look around.

How the hell will I get home?

I can just walk?

Fuck it.

I start to walk towards my house. It might take me hours, but right now, I don't care.

"You need a ride?"

A car comes up beside me and starts driving slowly.

I turn my head to see who it is.

"Fuck off Dave."
