
The Meadow 3

84: The Meadow 3

The child jumped on her feet. "Yey! Ting! Ting! Correct!" She said, taking out the flowers behind her back. "Surprise, mama! I saw it while wandering around and I thought of you!"

"Aww, sweetie." Touched by her daughter's cuteness as well as her kindness to bring her a thoughtful gift, the woman kissed her daughter all over her face, her hair, her forehead, even the tip of her nose, and cheeks.

"Mama, stop!" The child giggled, "It tickles!" the child laughed even louder. It really tickles when her mother does that to her.

The woman stopped and accepted her daughters' earnest gift. Smelling the flowers with a wide smile. "Thank you so much, sweetie."

"Hehe!" the child giggled.

Suddenly, she's in the mood to pick her mother another stalk of irises from the field to see her smile again.

"I'm gonna get you some more!"
