
My Fault

31: My Fault

After their meal, Stefani retired for the night. With her, she dragged a protesting Tony and a reluctant to leave Seth. Carter excused himself too after doing some last minute medical check on Lara, with Noah's permission. Of course.

Carter felt extremely uncomfortable the whole time with Noah breathing down his neck during the physical inspection. 

When all the outsiders have left, only Noah and Lara were were in the room. 

Both of them were silent for a while, but Lara broke the silence first before they become awkward. "Hey, um. I'm sorry for making you worry..."

"It's fine." A small smile came on Noah's lips. He's tired, but he's much more relieved now that Lara is okay. "What matters is that you 're safe. Awake. I thought that you'll never wake up."

"Yeah..." Lara uncomfortably fiddled with her fingers. "I didn't think I would fall into a coma like that." She felt guilty. But she can't help thinking about the girl in the dark place, and the conversation they had before she woke up.

"...Rachel and Chance, did they?.."

"They know you're with me." Noah answered. "I also promised them you'll call them when you wake up. They were quite worried too, you know."

Lara sighed. That made her even guiltier.

"... Did they know I was in a coma for a while?"

Noah shook his head. "No. They thought your were drunk and fainted."


"Yes. I made the excuse so that they wouldn't ask more questions and get suspicious."

It relieved Lara, knowing that Rachel and Chance were okay. And that they discovered nothing about what's truly going on.

Lara smiled. "Thank you..."

"Anything for you, princess."

She giggled. "Another nickname, I see."

Noah grinned, raising a teasing eyebrow towards her. "It suites you, actually."

She laughed, "Why? Coz I'm royalty?"


"Then, what?" 

"I called you princess because you deserve protection and love from the people that surround you."

"And that includes you."

Noah laughed a little, and then nodded. "Especially, me."

His words immediately brought a blush to Lara's cheeks. "Thanks..."

Noah only smiled, but Lara hid her face from him in embarrassment.

Gosh... He totally caught me off guard.

She can still feel her the warmth on her cheeks.

"Do you want to go home?" Noah suddenly asked, noticing the moonlight passing through the windows. It was already late.

Looking at the IV bag hanging above her head, Lara nodded. "Yeah, after this is empty I'm going home."

Noah nodded. "Good. I'll drive you to your apartment so take your time."

Half an hour later, the IV was finally empty. Noah removed the thing for her.

"Thanks." Lara said.

Afterwards he became very attentive to her after that. Assisting her all the way until they got out of the clinic.


Noah gave his jacket to her, since it was cold outside.

"Give me that."

He also volunteered to hold her bag, even though it was light to carry around.

"Thank you."

Noah opened the car door for her and gestured for her to get in.

"Taking care of you is natural, Lara."

"But still-" Lara went inside and waited for Noah to close the door. He walked around the car and sat in the driver's seat before she continued. "You're the 3rd person who ever treats me this way, Noah. You deserve my thanks."

Noah sighed. He attached her seatbelt for her. "Who's the first one who treated you better?" He asked.

"Um, my dad." 

"Huh." He got that right.

Noah already guessed it might be her father, the vampire king. But who's the other one?

"And the second one?"

"My best friend, of course." Lara said with a nostalgic smile on her face. Like she just remembered a fond memory she had with this best friend of hers.

"Really..." Noah narrowed his eyes in question. Just thinking about it, the person she is calling her best friend might be a full-blooded vampire with the same age as her. However, the question is... Who is this person? And is it a woman or a man? 

"Does this best friend of yours have a name?" he asked.

"Yeah!" Lara nodded. "Cedric. Cedric is his name. We've been friends since we were small. We've been inseparable ever since."

"Cedric..." That brought a bitter taste to his mouth, "... a male." 

Lara grinned widely and nodded, which made Noah even more bitter inside. 

"Yeah. He's very handsome too. Like you."

"Okay..." Noah took a deep breath and immediately changed the topic. He went back to the reason they were talking about her best friend. Cedric.

"Anyway, you don't have to thank me every time I do something for you, Lara. Because that is how I intend to treat you. You're my mate. You deserve to be cherished. Protected."

It suddenly reminded Noah of Stefani's words...

"In fact, I owe you an apology."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the reason you fell into a coma... I had you drink my blood, it was my mistake."

"No, Noah. Stop..." Lara anxiously stopped him from speaking any further. "It wasn't your fault."

But Noah didn't listen.

"It is. Everything that happened is my fault."


"When you drank my blood you-." 

"Stop." Lara covered his mouth with her hands.

He's guilty. She can feel it.

She can't let him continue like this.

"It's not your fault, Noah. And I'll say this again, it was not your fault. In fact, it was nobody's fault. I'm the one who drank your blood. It was my decision, Noah. Mine."

Noah knows Lara is trying to make him feel better, but she didn't relent at her point.


"You... You did it because of me. It may seem forceful for you, but... it was necessary. I was hungry and you-"

"Lara..." Seeing how Lara struggled, Noah sighed. "I still made you do it. I forced you." 

"No." Lara reached for his hand and looked him in the eyes. "You can't force me to do things I don't want to, Noah." And then she smiled. "Besides, I like the way you taste."

Noah eventually laughed at that.


"Yeah." Lara quickly nodded, "You're becoming my new favourite."

Noah shook his head. He couldn't erase the smile on his face now.

He's supposed to feel guilt and reflect in his actions, but Lara already made him smile. It was too late.

"Lara, you really are precious." He said as he touched her cheeks.

Lara closed her eyes and felt his touch.

"I can say the same to you."

She's already strapped to her seat, so Noah came to her instead and embraced her. He couldn't help it. The goddess has chosen his mate wisely. She's beautiful, smart, and sweet. She's perfect.

Perfect for him.

"I don't think I can live my life without you now." He said, bringing their forehead towards each other in an intimate touch.

Lara smiled, her eyes still closed.

Hmm. This is the best in the world for her. Feeling Noah's warmth enveloping her body is great. She feels like she can stay in this moment forever and she doesn't mind that. Not at all...

Noah sighed.

"What's wrong?" Lara asked, looking up. "You still don't believe that it wasn't your fault?"

Noah shook his head. "No. It's not that..." 

"What is it then?"

"I just-" He sighed again, "I don't think I can bear it."

Lara looked at him.

"Bear what?"

Noah looked at her and met her eyes.

"I don't think I can bear it if something bad happens to you..."

Lara body shook in response to that. She didn't expect him to say that.


"I think I'd die, Lara..."

She blinked. Her tears attempting to fall from the corner of her eyes. His words sounded dramatic, over the top even. But she felt it. She felt him and his feeling for her.

"I don't think I can bear it if something bad happens to you too..." 

Hiyah! Another sweet update for you, my precious reader. Hope you like it!

AtlasWorldcreators' thoughts