
Lvl 21: Massacre at U.S.J?

Beithir woke up.

But he wasn't anywhere near where he was before, looking around all he saw was corpses of villains. He felt numb in his body, looking down at his legs he saw that someone was holding them, he felt a slow numb feeling enter his being. It is strange... He then noticed it, Shigaraki was holding his legs that were slowly decaying! Beithir's Dialga's power was protecting him from Shigaraki's power reducing its effectiveness by rewinding time every second to reduce the damage. Beithir quickly reacted and expanded his elbow blades, attacking Shigaraki's face. Beithir couldn't jump, so he used gravity to float upwards and used the time to regenerate his legs so he could have more mobility.

Beithir looked around and decided, concentrating he took a deep breath and released a huge amount of dragon energy, using the move [Dragon Breath] and hope to paralyze the villains around him to give him some advantage. The enemies began to scream in pain as they felt the draconic energy enter their bodies and running through their nerves and entering their brains, causing some damage. Some of them couldn't move their bodies, successfully being paralyzed, Shigaraki was one of them! Beithir quickly used this as an opportunity and began to slash their bodies and using a little bit of space energy to make his blades sharper he began to cut people down. When he was about to cut Shigaraki, he felt time energy all around him, time was getting pulled back and being forcefully rewinded!

Beithir stopped attacking Shigaraki and used his time control powers to stop time from moving backward, but time still wanted to move backward, so Beithir began to move it forward, and this simply caused time In the whole universe to stop for a few seconds before Beithir simply pushed with all his strength and broke through the time rewinding. Time went back to normal but everyone felt that something strange happened, but they couldn't tell what! Beithir took this opportunity to attack Shigaraki to kill him! But once again, Beithir felt his brain stop working, but this time he was prepared. Beithir deduced that the man's quirk to paralyze his mind was something that wasn't purely psychical because his ability [Sane Insanity] would protect his mind!

So Beithir deduced this: The man's quirk is a mix of both mental and physical paralyzing effects, that would lock the brain from receiving information from anything, making it believe that it is paralyzed and because it isn't a hypnotic or full mental attack, Beithir can't block it. Beithir was almost right on his deduction because the quirk that Z copied was had all these effects he thought, but there was something else, the effects would be getting weaker each time they were used on the same person, and he. and also 'paralyze' certain areas of the brain too. Beithir's body stopped moving, Shigaraki took this as an opportunity to kill him, so he attacked... But then he saw it. From Beithir's empty eyes, he saw the reflection of something... A dragon?

Beithir's body moved on its own, opening a portal and teleporting above Shigaraki. Beithir recovered his consciousness and sighed... He thought about it before, and now he knew he was right. He suspected that every time he received a Pokemon he would be receiving a fragment of the Pokemon's consciousness and when he equipped this Pokemon, he would be equipping the Pokemon's fragment of consciousness, so he would be able to know how to use his powers and Pokemon Moves without a problem! But now he understood it, the higher the level of the Pokemon, the higher the consciousness fragment the Pokemon would have, Palkia's and Dialga's fragments are so big that they can temporarily take control of his body to protect him from danger.

That's why when Shigaraki was using his quirk on his now healthy and regenerated legs, the decay was acting so slow! Beithir continued to attack other villains because he noticed that there was still a good amount of them. He looked around, searching for his father, and he found him fighting against the Nomu... Or trying to at least. There was also Kurogiri fighting against Bakugo and Kirishima and Tsuyu attacking together with Inasa other villains. There seemed to be endless villains around! Beithir saw Aizawa's broken arms and killing every villain around him with a swipe of his bladed tail, he teleported above him, protecting him against a punch from the Nomu. At the same time, Beithir began to rewind Aizawa's body, removing the damages on his body completely. He then had an idea! He touched the Nomu and began ro rewind his body.

The Nomu bega to shrink and some kind of dark steam began to rise from its body... Seconds later, the Nomu was now a normal human man with brown hair. Aizawa was shocked for a second, but he quickly reacted dodging some bullets and kicking villains. Beithir teleported above Kurogiri and capturing him, locking his quirk in time is he couldn't use it, and teleporting him to a cell on his space prepared for him. Shigaraki shouted to someone about killing Beithir, and once again Beithir felt his body stop moving, but this time it was gone a few milliseconds later, Beithir then decided to go all out and destroy these villains! Spreading his space energy, he teleported all his classmates and teachers to far away from him, he began to focus on space, gravity, and time in one space creating a small black dot that was absorbing light around him.

Beithie smiled and controlled the black hole around, making it devour several villains, he almost devoured Shigaraki if it wasn't for his body suddenly disappear, he would be dead. Looking around, there was not even blood anymore... The man that was the Nomu was in Aizawa's arms, he looked down and suddenly saw his skin turn dark again! He quickly threw the man away, mid-air, the man's body began to change and shift, making him grow larger again. The man became a Nomu again after a few seconds from time rewinding. Beithir reacted quickly and used his black hole to consume the Nomu, killing it instantly. Beithir's body began to return to normal, his tail retracted, his elbow blades retracted, his horns retracted, his iron-like nails retracted too. He had to use both Dialga and Palkia Hybrid form to keep the black hole for more than a few seconds and move it around, it was very tiring! Teleporting to Aizawa's side, Beithir looked at the shocked and concerned eyes of his classmates... Aizawa hugged him for a second, Beithir sighed and decided to recuperate some energy without using [Breath Control]. And so, he fell asleep.

(A/N: Give me your opinions about this chapter, I don't know... I think it could get better. Also, I've read some recommendations from you guys, and yas, he will use other Pokemon moves later on in the novel. Right now I'm focusing more on the 'Core power' or 'Dao' of understanding his powers.)
