
The follower

Everyone who could stared at Joao and then at each other in shock and terror, Joao seeing their reactions started to question whether running away would be the best way to advertise himself to Divinity.

Image aside, Joao knew that he wouldn't be able to take all of them on if they were to attack so he was more than ready to abandon his dignity to avoid having his beautiful face punched in.

Eventually, Kofi looked away from Joao and back to Tumi and his friends, "have you no shame. How can you call yourself fighters proudly if you resort to schemes in order to win fights?"

"I don't know if you noticed, but everyone here is a criminal who can potentially go to prison for life," Tumi said.

"I don't think that these guys have been initiated yet, all of them have virgin written all over their faces." The bulky guy got from behind the desk and started walking around it.

As he walked, Phenyo balled up his fists and moved backward, he slightly opened his legs pinning his forward foot on the ground. His face showed nothing but bravery and even though Joao was glad that he wasn't betrayed by them he still thought that it was stupid what they were trying to do.

"If you two are planning on taking them on then you must be high on something. It is clear that these guys are ready to apprehend us no matter what they have to do in order to do it. I suggest we leave while we still can." Joao walked back in between them and talked in a much lower voice.

Kofi turned and glared at him, "are you telling me to run away from an enemy standing right in front of me?"

"I am telling you to know your limits." Joao shifted his gaze to Phenyo."I'm sure that our friend here agrees with that reasoning."

Phenyo clenched his fists harder and with all his might tried not to look at the two who were burning holes on the side of his head. After hearing them talk he shook and wasn't even sure about who to believe and follow.

"Well, since you're all inside we might as well get everything started," Tumi said rapidly as he sped forward.

Kofi panicked and went in for a counter-attack, missing Tumi's face with a spinning kick and Joao ran outside while yelling for them. "COME YOU STUPID FOOLS!"

Even after escaping the room Joao still hadn't run away and was looking to see if the others were fighting or not. 'This information must be very vital to catching the tractor within our gang, I can't get caught here.'

He thought that, but he still went around to see how they were. While walking back, Kofi and Phenyo bolted past him. Kofi grabbed Joao's arm and tugged him along, "WHY DID YOU COME BACK?" Kofi screamed.

Joao freed his arm from the light grip and they sped down the flight of stairs, Joao now noticing Tumi and his guys following from behind with a bleeding nose. He immediately faced forward and jumped over the handrails and into the next flight, passing Phenye and Kofi simultaneously.

Joao had no intention of being left behind, just the thought of his enemies being able to aimlessly throw something and hit him by some luck was enough to turn him into the fastest man alive. That and was very nimble and able to maneuver in ways muscle heads like Phenyo and Kofi could only dream of.

The dash down the stairs ended of the last landing before the ground floor when one of the enemies thought it would be wise to use his body as a cannonball. One of the bulky guys jumped from the second last to the last landing. He pushed Phenyo a bit but ultimately missed everyone else. As Tumi and the other three came down they were temporarily stopped by him.

By the time they were on the move again Joao and his mates were already nearing the exit to the building. Upon seeing their uniform and the urgency at which they were trying to leave the place. The people in the building quickly put two and two together and got out of their way.

As Tumi burst into the reception area he started screaming and yelling for assistance. A few more, three to be exact of his crewmates emerged from the crowd and pursued Joao and the other two.

But some of them didn't make it out as they were assaulted by some civilians covering their faces with scarfs.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! YOU'LL ALL PAY!!!" Tumi yelled at the people's display of patriotism towards the young members of Divinity.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU SHITHEAD?" Kofi screamed back at Phenyo.

Phenyo slowed down a bit and looked back worried about the trouble they might have caused the poor people. He again picked up his pace when he noticed Tumi emerging from them, and remembered that they were now on the street.

Although there weren't many cars on the road, the few that were on the move were extremely fast. With their hearts racing and senses at an all-time high, the sound of trains passing by one another almost killed them.

This marked half-past five. And with this little time left the boys might end up spending the night in a jail cell. All of this raced through Joao's mind until he finally decided to slow down and take in the environment around him.

Since he was back on the road to school, the building had gotten much smaller and even more decent to look at. What troubled him apart from the fact that he couldn't find the other two was that he didn't know which road to take from then on.

'No matter how decent the people think this place looks, I always found it weird that the buildings are smaller than the rest.' Joao thought as he moved forward. He also kept telling himself that the others were okay.

But he still couldn't shake off the thoughts of incompetency and unreliability plaguing his mind at that moment. 'It's okay, everyone is okay, I'm just overthinking things.' He told himself.

'Besides the police are already moving into the city, it would be troublesome for me to go back and confirm nothing worth thinking about.' He paused in the middle of the road. 'But still, what will Monkey think of me?' He turned to look back, the good news was that there was someone following him.

The bad news is that, that someone was Tumi.
