
Chapter 13

Vacou City - Yang Xiao Long

Yang Xiao Long, daughter to Taiyang Xiao Long and the bandit Raven Branwen, she had long blonde hair that is styled into a bun, lilac eyes aswell as light tanned skin. You might be wondering what she is doing right now.

"There she is! Get her!" She was fighting, and no it wasn't her fault this time. She was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, she had witnessed criminals being snuck out of jail. Now they are chasing her to silence her, not fun! Not fun at all.

"Hey guys can't we just forget any of this ever happened? I can keep my mouth shu- WOAAH" She rolled over to the side as a large explosion erupted from where she once stood, 'some motherfucker threw a dust crystal at me!' Her eyes turn red as fire coiled around her body, "You've done it now you shits" She then punched the air as a fire fist launched itself towards the criminals.


Two were knocked back towards a wall before sliding down to the ground unconscious, the other criminals were shocked but quickly snapped out of their stupor and attacked her with increased ferocity. Her gauntlets then changed its dust charge into a fire dust as she pulled the trigger, fire came out of her gauntlets as the fire merged with the fire thay coiled her body.

She felt herself get stronger as she launched herself towards the criminals with a trail of orange flame following her closely behind. She then started punching them in different areas of the body aswell as giving them no time to fight back, a few minutes later she stopped as she appreciated her handiwork.

A few criminals stuck here, a few there, and- Is one of them naked? Ew gross she didn't do that. She shrugged off some dust on her shoulder and went back to her bike and drove off.

This is a common occurrence here in Vacou, the only place on Remnant where laws get the middle finger. It is also where she lived for half of her life with her dad, Yang arrives back at her home and opens the door.

"Dad, I'm home!" Yang shouted as she slammed the door shut and proceeded to go to the kitchen. She grabbed some juice in the fridge and went to the living room, she sat down on the sofa and opened up DustTube.

A few hours later she heard footsteps coming from the second floor, she knew it was her dad so she didn't need to turn to look. When Taiyang arrived in the living room he saw his daughter on the sofa, for a brief moment he saw Raven in the place of Yang before shaking his head.

"Hey firecracker, how was your day?" He said while he sat down next to her, Yang groaned at the nickname but answered him anyways, "It was alright, got into a turf wars here and there-" Tai's expression turned worried as she huffed at his gaze, "Don't worry I'm fine, I don't get hurt that often"

Tai nodded as he relaxed on the sofa, he was yawning so much that Yang noticed it. She looked at her dad in concern, "You didn't get much sleep again didn't you?" Tai didn't answer but his slowly dropping head was all she needs to know.

Two years ago her mother Raven Branwen left her and her dad for her tribe in Anima, before she left she had tried bringing Yang with her to the tribe and raise her there but Tai was able to arrive in her room before she was taken. They fought, yelled, and cried for who knows how long but because of it her dad was never the same. Now he never comes out of the house other than resupply their fridge with food. His eyes would be in a state she calls 'Blank' state.

In this state, it's like his body is on autopilot and any attempts to get Tai to answer would not yield any results. She then stood up and grabbed her father's hand and dragged him to his room, she tucked him in and closed the lights.

She looked back as her eyes softened

"Night Dad, I love you"


Due to Semblances being dependent on their users desire, Yang's semblance was called Burning Desire. It came from her desire to get stronger for her and her father so that no one will hurt them.

I haven't decided where Ruby will meet the others but I think I should do another timeskip. It's not a long timeskip only around 2 years. If you have anything to add please comment it down and I'll read through them.

Sorry if this chapter didn't make that much sense, Happy New Year to Y'all

HiatusAuthorEuclidcreators' thoughts