
Chapter 2

*blink* *blink *

That night Sky was not able to sleep. As soon as he closed his eyes, all he could see was her face. And after struggling a lot he was able to sleep but soon it was morning, and he was barely able to sleep. Half asleep he got up and started getting ready for his classes.

When the bus arrived, he moved with the crowd into the bus. Still unknown about what he's doing. Fate kept its working when they unknowingly passed their paths.

Sky almost forgot the past night's incident and began attending his lectures. But his friends still couldn't get over what happened the past night.

"Who knew that we could see Sky with such an expression!" giggled Key.

His roommate, Ron said "I think he was awake the whole night". All of them smirked.

"We know that he won't easily tell about the beauty" said Key.

"Just knock him out drunk and ask all your questions" suggested Ron while munching his potato chips.

"That's the idea expected of Sky's roommate" said Drake.

In the evening, when Sky came back to his room. All of his friends tried to convince him to go with them for drinks. Unwillingly he had to agree because of their weird reasons.

"I got the hottest girl's number. Let's celebrate buddy!" boasted Key.

"I got praised by Prof. Mo" said Drake.

Finn said "I'm also in a happy mood. Sky please~ can we go to the bar."

Now everyone was looking at Ron to make a final strike while he …. was very taken up with his chips and when everyone was looking at him, he just said

"Well… my sister got dumped. I guess I should drink for her…"

Sky was very disgusted and just went with them without asking any questions.

At X bar, everybody was in the mood. They all sat while the boys had their plan, they ordered their drinks.

"5 bottles of beer for now" ordered Sky while looking at the latest decorations of the bar.

Then they heard a drunk crying of a girl from the adjacent table.

Sky immediately recognized her.

"It's her.." mumbled Sky in a low voice audible just to him.

"Ahhh! That f****** brat! *beep* *beep* *beep*" she groaned. "If he wanted to break up to study then why did he have to get together with another girl! That liar", she continued to curse.

Her friends tried to comfort her, but she continued to curse.

Her friend said "Didn't you get over him then why are you still affected by what he does. Just get over it now" and sighed.

"Just curse you heart out once again like months ago" said another friend of hers.

"Lilith, I'm with you. Let's drink till dawn!"


"So her name is Lilith" murmured Sky and continued his drink.

And thus, the night went with Lilith's curses and Sky observing her.




- Sky's roommate.

- The only one who can understand some of Sky's actions.

- Lazy but still quite clever.

- Sky's classmate (Computer Engineering)


- The big brother of the squad

- From the hometown of Sky

- From Architecture department

- Lives with Key and Finn


- Girls call him playboy but he calls himself Ladies guy

- Is a fan of Sky

- Has a smooth tongue

- From Fine Arts department

- Lives with Drake and Finn


- Cutest member of the squad

- Another fan of Sky

- From Department of Journalism

- Lives with Drake and Key
