
Noel, the Master Witch

As a small fly flitted freely between the rooms, it unexpectedly found its way through a narrow gap in the windows, revealing a tender tableau within.

Amidst the soft glow of sunlight, a scene unfolded—a beautiful woman cradling her baby, her dark tresses cascading like a curtain, shielding her little one from the sun's scorching rays. Her face exuded a captivating allure, her eyes brimming with love and adoration.

"My handsome baby," her voice resonated, filling the room, as her finger playfully poked at her child's plump cheek, her touch gentle and affectionate.

"Hmm... Hmm..." The lady began to hum, her brows relaxed, and a smile that reached her eyes adorned her face. Her joy was infectious, as she reveled in the serene moment, her gaze unwaveringly fixed upon her cherished child.

However, the tranquility was abruptly shattered by a clamor emanating from outside the room. The lady's brows furrowed, creases marring her otherwise flawless countenance, and she clapped her hands in annoyance.

"Why is there such a commotion outside? Don't they realize it is still early in the morning, and I am nursing?" The lady snapped at the newly arrived maid, her tone laced with frustration.

"My apologies, my lady, but..." Before the maid could complete her explanation, resounding footsteps grew closer, echoing down the corridor.

"Honey, we have guests. It seems she is the person Grandmaster mentioned yesterday," a man with short brown hair and a handsome visage entered the room.

The man was Bastian, while the lady and the baby were Leona and Desmond. Upon learning that the individual sent by Grandmaster Weston had arrived, Bastian signaled for the maid to depart, leaving the room to the family.

"So, she is from the Grandmaster. Darling, go ahead and extend our greetings. I will join you once I finish nursing Desmond," Leona responded, her eyes rolling with annoyance.

She was vexed by the untimely arrival of the individual dispatched by Weston. It was still early in the morning, and contrary to their assumptions, everyone did not possess the luxury of leisure at this hour. She placed the blame squarely on Weston, convinced that he was the mastermind behind this ill-timed visit.

"Yes, honey" Bastian answered directly. He secretly sneaked a glance at her wife's chest area, which made her glare at him.

Meanwhile, Desmond had become numb after many times pretending how to become a good baby. His private parts were being touched many times, and his body was washed by many maids, he would cry loudly to fasten the process.

It was not always good and marvellous as the novels mentioned it. Being born as a baby with his awakened consciousness was the worst experience! At this moment, Desmond was hoping he would be put in slumber and only awake after his body could handle itself!

A few minutes later, Desmond observed as his mother abruptly rose from her seat and gently placed him on the bed.

"Stay here for a moment, my love. Mommy needs to attend to something first," Leona whispered, planting a tender kiss on Desmond's rosy cheeks. With that, she positioned herself in the center of the room.

As Leona began murmuring, her words carrying the cadence of a mysterious language, Desmond found himself straining to decipher their meaning. Each utterance from her lips triggered a response—a shimmering white orb of natural energy materializing, accompanied by the emergence of an intricate magic circle beneath her feet.

"System, can you translate the language?" Desmond silently queried.

[ERROR! The target language could not be found in any directory!]

"Advance Spell: Area Search!" Leona's voice resounded with authority as she concluded her incantation.

The hovering white orbs swiftly converged, drawn into the depths of the magic circle. In an instant, a faint burst of white light radiated from the circle, encompassing their surroundings.

As the luminous energy washed over Desmond, he experienced a delicate tingling sensation, as though he were being marked by an ethereal presence passing through his very being.


Outside the ship, within the bustling port, an unusual scene unfolded. A contingent of soldiers had gathered, forming a tight circle around a striking young woman who stood at the heart of their formation. Her piercing gaze was fixed upon a particular vessel docked nearby, her eyes narrowed in scrutiny. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, as onlookers wondered what had captured her attention and prompted such military presence.

"Eh, isn't that Master Witch Noel? What brings her here?"

"It's quite unusual. And look, that's the ship that arrived just yesterday."

"Do you think it could be carrying something dangerous?"

"Shh! Don't speak too loudly. We're just common folk here. But I must say, she's quite an attractive and confident figure." The man's words caught in his throat as he found himself on the receiving end of a piercing glare from the young woman.

"Oh my god, I've been waiting here for minutes. Where are they? Why haven't they arrived yet?" Noel grumbled, her brow furrowing with impatience.

Clad in her snug military attire that accentuated her lithe figure, Noel exuded an air of strength and allure. With her arms crossed, she cast her gaze upon the figure emerging from the ship.


Meanwhile, Bastian made his way towards the ship's deck after leaving Leona's room. His eyes were met with a throng of onlookers gathered around his vessel. Their attention was fixed on the group obstructing the ship's path.

Among them stood a young woman, accompanied by a contingent of royal soldiers. She appeared to be in her twenties, with her blonde hair styled in a ponytail, reaching a height of 160cm.

"Hello, my apologies for the delay, Master Witch Noel," Bastian addressed her courteously. He had gleaned her name from the indiscreet whispers of the crowd.

As expected, upon witnessing Bastian's respectful demeanor, Noel's brow relaxed. She found herself momentarily captivated by his charm, although she quickly reminded herself of the information she had received about his familial status.

"Um, hello. I presume you are the individual my mentor spoke of. Are you and your family prepared to depart?" Noel cleared her throat and forced a smile, noting that there were no other individuals accompanying him.

"Please bear with us for a little while longer. My wife is currently breastfeeding our child," Bastian chuckled dryly, a hint of surprise crossing his face. "Let's wait in the living room of my ship."

As Bastian motioned for Noel to enter the ship, his eyes subtly darted towards her guards, silently indicating that they should remain outside.

Noel regarded him with suspicion, her gaze briefly scanning the individuals on the deck. However, they appeared to be ordinary people, and she couldn't discern their power or abilities based on their average appearances.

"Stay here and ensure nobody approaches the ship," Noel commanded firmly. With a wave of her hand, she promptly silenced any objections from the soldiers. As a 2nd class witch, she held powers that made her impervious to harm from ordinary individuals.


Entering the living room, Noel was taken aback by the lavish decor and the inviting ambiance of the space.

The room was spacious, with a square layout and a large glass window that allowed ample sunlight to filter in. A grand dining table adorned the center, surrounded by ten chairs and a sizeable carpet underneath. Ornamental plants of various heights adorned each corner, while a chandelier with a few candles illuminated the room, adding to its warm ambiance.

"Please make yourself at home," Bastian spoke courteously.

He recognized Noel's power and status, which could be considered on par with his wife's. Despite their agreement to join forces, he wanted to avoid any unnecessary complications arising from minor misunderstandings.

"Please make sure to prepare exquisite beverages and delectable delicacies for our esteemed guests," Bastian's voice resonated through the room, filled with an air of authority. As his words trailed off, Noel gingerly stepped onto the plush carpet, instantly drawn to the room's elegant style.

A servant, entering the room, swiftly acknowledged Bastian's command with a respectful bow. Silently, he retreated, his movements deliberate and graceful as he delicately closed the door behind him.

The discontent and earlier embarrassment that had lingered in Noel's mind dissipated like a wisp of smoke. A sense of tranquility washed over her as she inhaled the mingling scents of salt and fragrant tea leaves that permeated the air.

"You certainly have impeccable taste," Noel commented unconsciously, her innocent smile widening. The allure of the room's aesthetics captivated her completely.

Bastian, positioned across from her, settled into his seat, his hands resting on his knees. His gaze fixed upon Noel, enchanted by her enchantment with the room's surroundings. "May I inquire about the location where we shall reside?"


Meanwhile, within the ship's bustling kitchen, a pair of adjacent doors beckoned entry. In the center of the room stood a sturdy wooden table, its rectangular form playing host to an array of culinary tools. Near the window, a cluster of tables and chairs provided a space for respite.

The air within the kitchen grew hazy as smoke billowed from a sizable oven, engulfing the room in its fragrant haze. Tension hung palpably in the atmosphere, rendering the inhabitants hesitant to utter even the faintest of sounds. All eyes were fixated on a petite girl, perched atop a table.

In stark contrast, the young girl peered intently through the transparent glass of the window before her. She playfully swung her legs back and forth, her attention momentarily captured by the scene outside. Standing behind her, a chef anxiously awaited, beads of perspiration streaming down his forehead and dampening his attire. With a trembling handkerchief clenched in his palm, he shifted his gaze back and forth between the cake resting on the table and the little girl.

His mouth grew dry, and he swallowed hard, mustering the courage to speak. "Pray tell, my lady, how does the flavor of the cake please your palate?"

The young girl shifted her gaze, her tongue gently caressing the spoon she held in her hands. "Hmm, not bad at all. It surpasses yesterday's batch. The more sugar, the better," she proclaimed with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Upon hearing her response, a collective sigh of relief swept through the kitchen. The chef's enthusiasm surged, his head bobbing in a quick succession of nods. "Thank you, my lady. We shall redouble our efforts to ensure we meet your esteemed requirements," he stuttered, his voice infused with gratitude, all the while diligently mopping the sweat from his brow.

Suddenly, a series of knocks reverberated through the kitchen, followed by the creaking of one of the doors. A maid entered, bowing respectfully as the little girl's gaze met hers. "Young lady Alice, Madam Leona has summoned you to her chambers."

The young girl, known as Alice, was adorned in a flowing cloak reminiscent of a deep blue Houppelande, its flared skirt gracefully draping over her knees.

Upon hearing the maid's words, Alice swiftly descended from the table, smoothing out her attire. "I shall make my way there promptly," she declared, clutching an ice cream treat in her hand.

With a gentle knock, Alice approached her mother's chamber door and promptly swung it open. However, her innocent question hung in the air as her eyes widened, taking in the sight before her. "Mom, why are you unclothed?" Alice blurted out, yet before she could process the answer, a sudden gust of wind swept through the room, forcefully shutting the door behind her. In that fleeting moment, the wind seemed to carry an air of intensity, causing Alice's eyes to widen further in surprise.


Several minutes later, back in the living room, Noel and Bastian engaged in a pleasant conversation, discussing the prospective location of their new residence. Just as their conversation flowed seamlessly, Alice and Leona finally made their grand entrance, their exquisite attire casting an enchanting spell over all present.

Noel's gaze flickered toward the raven-haired beauty who exuded an air of elegance. She donned a mesmerizing gown crafted from vibrant aqua fabric, boasting a flared skirt with a gracefully cinched waist. A single long, wide sleeve adorned with a magnificent bow added an exquisite touch to her ensemble.

Beside her stood a young girl, clad in a gown fashioned from a combination of white and copper fabrics. The dress boasted a voluminous skirt, gathering at her waist, while the striking leg-of-mutton sleeves shimmered with delicate beadwork, adding a touch of ethereal charm to her appearance.

"Ah, greetings, Master Noel," Leona's words broke through the haze that engulfed Noel, bringing her back to the present moment. The sight of Leona already settled beside Bastian, their daughter nestled on his lap, left Noel dumbfounded. It was as if time had slipped away without her noticing, and she struggled to process the scene unfolding before her eyes.

Alice, sensing an underlying tension, clung to her father, her eyes darting furtively between her parents. The child seemed apprehensive, perhaps sensing the weight of unspoken emotions in the air.

A bittersweet envy welled up within Noel as she observed the radiant happiness radiating from this complete family. Her gaze lingered on the adorable baby cradled in Leona's arms, a vision of pure innocence. It was impossible for any woman to resist the alluring pull of a child so captivating.

"Yes, hello, Master Witch Leona," Noel managed to reply, her voice still tinged with a mix of awe and surprise as she gradually regained her composure. She had diligently studied the comprehensive dossier that provided intricate details about Bastian and his family, enabling her to engage in smoother conversation.

Bastian, ever the attentive host, interrupted the silent moment. "Apologies for the wait. Shall we embark on our journey now?" 
