
Hydra Dominatus

William and his men redirect their route toward where the second team is. Just like how William's strike team entered the enemy stronghold, the second team also managed to infiltrate using Thunderhawk Two.

The second team leader is, of course, Living Saint Rana Beckett and her elite Sisters of Battle. Armed with bolters, flamers, and melta weapons, the sisters in power armor massacred the mind-controlled Tau fire warriors.

Because the sisters are much smaller in size compared to William's honor guards or standard Adeptus Astartes, Rana was able to bring a double amount of Sisters of Battle into the ship which boosted the already devastating firepower. While William was forced to take the middle stance as his honor guards did their duty to protect and eliminate Xenos, Rana was having a much different experience.

Doing what she had been doing before her ascension to the servant of the God-Emperor, Rana position herself in the frontline while using her golden shield and bolt pistol. When it came to close combat, the living saint use her trusty sword/spear hybrid and strike his majesty's enemy with lightning-fast speed.

As they advance further, the type of enemy changes as if someone was adapting to the situation. Descending from the high ceiling with elegance and beauty that could kill a man, a group of Succubi of the Wych Cults made their appearance. They are a small group of 8 but it was enough number to ambush the Sisters of Battle as their heads fell from their shoulders as Succubi's deadly blades made quick work of them.

Realizing that they have a new and different enemy, the rest of the sisters attempt to counter the ambushers but it was a feeble attempt as Succubi managed to move faster than the sisters. As one of the Succubi attempted to slash one of the sisters from certain death, a golden shield appeared from the Succubi's side, giving one deadly shield bash to the face.

"Regroup to the nearest sisters and focus on one opponent at a time. Give them the Emperor's judgment." The Living Saint, the golden lioness of the Emperor shines brightly as she wields her spear and a shield like an ancient goddess of war while her sisters form up behind her with flamers and bolters.

Now without an element of surprise, the remaining Succubis attempt to do what they can to reduce the number. This was their own mistake as Rana step forward and each of her steps passing the wounded sisters healed and got back up to continue their fight.

The second round of the fight began with Rana tossing the spear, piercing the Succubi as she wasn't able to dodge at that moment. Not understanding why the leader of the Sisters throw away her weapon so easily, the remaining Succubi attempted to attack but to their surprise, one more fell as Succubi's head explode as the back of the spear hit her head. With the spear returned to its master, the fight once again started and ended quickly as the rest of the elite Dark Eldars fell under bolter rounds and fire of the holiest order.

With the victory, there is a loss as few of the Sisters didn't make it during the encounter. Because they are in the middle of the battlefield and behind the enemy line, Rana decided to leave the dead with a few Sisters to protect their bodies. Team two move forward after reorganizing their weaponry and finally, they made it to the entrance to the room filled with Rust Monsters.

Not knowing what is behind the door, the sisters breach the doors and entered the room with precision. Unlike William's room, Rana's team entered the trophy room filled with mounted heads of the slain monsters of the New World.

"Room's clear. Advancing further."

"Confirm, search, and destroy."

Five sisters entered the room and a few more followed them as each of them scan the area with their bolters. Unfazed by the stuffed monsters and heads, the sisters advanced but not much as they are welcomed by the Rust Monsters of their own.

When one of the sisters steps on the floor trap, the panel made a 'click' noise, setting off the trap. A total of seven appeared out of wooden floors and touch everything with their antenna, looking for anything metal to eat.

"Fire!" Not knowing what the creatures are, the Sisters of Battle opened fire, and to their surprise, the bolter rounds bounced back as if they were shooting a tank armor plate. After receiving the first round of bolter fire without any harm, Rust Monsters redirect their attention to the sisters and attack them.

The first of the seven Rust Monster jump on top of one of the sister. Instead of biting her, the monster simply lay its antenna on her breast armor, rusting the area it touched and spreading the rust to the rest of the armor.

Seeing what was happening to the armor, the sister panicked and pull out her knife to stab the monster's exposed neck. With no hesitation or concern for her own life, her sister managed to stab the monster's neck and twisted it, killing the monster after a few seconds. Her action may have saved her life but it was too late as her upper armor is completely rusted and fell when she got up from the floor.

The rest of her sisters weren't fortunate as her as some lost their bolter or an entire set of armor as the rest of the Rust Monsters devour any metal they touch with their antenna. Seeing how their treasured weapons and armor are gone, the sisters draw their secondary weapons to slay the monsters. Before they attempt to attack the monsters, the rest of the sisters entered the room, and with quick direction from the Living Saint, sisters armed with flame weapons step forward, their weapons already ignited and ready to use.

"Sisters, fall back and clear the area!" Canoness shout which sisters in the frontline follow the order without questioning it.

"Fire!" Rana gave the order and six flamers blaze the room, engulfing the monsters and cooking them alive.


"Hold your fire!"

After confirming the death of six monsters, Rana orders her sisters to stop. Not wanting to spread the fire into other areas, Rana uses her power to kill the flames. Confirming the kills, Rana made sure sisters from the front weren't injured but as expected they were more hurt mentally than physically.

"Position the sisters who lost their weapons on the rear while we move to advance. Give extra weapons if you can spare, the enemy now changed the rule of the battle." Rana reminds the sisters and they move forward. After a few more minutes in the hallway, Rana and her group finally meet William's group as his team appeared on the opposite side of the hallway.

"Good to see you, Rana. I see you already got Alpha Legion's surprise present." William greets Rana as he saw a few of the Sisters of Battle without their power armor. The ones without their armor were in the same situation as William's men as they wore their black fiber suits.

"Yea, didn't expect them to use the monsters here. It's actually kinda brilliant move to disarm the opponents before facing them. I have to give them that at least." Said Rana as she swap her spear for a golden bolter pistol.

"Well, they are up for some surprise if they thought a few monsters would stop us from reaching them," William said as his men and Rana's sisters rechecked their weapons for an upcoming fight. With the last weapon check done, one of William's honor guards step in front of the door and burst through as if it was made out of a paper wall.

Following the honor guard, his brothers and the Sisters of Battle entered the room with weapons ready. The last to enter was William and Rana and to their surprise, there was no one to fight or more doors to burst through.

"All clear, no hostile or traps this time." Captain Auguste said and he was right.

The room is big enough to house a dinner party and nowhere to go further. The room has various statues of humanoid monsters and large paintings of vampire lords. At the end of the room have one large painting of a man in red armor holding a crimson sword and looking down with menacing eyes.

"Search the area and look for a hidden door. The enemy's armor signal led us here." William said to his men as he scan the room using his helmet. If this was one of his old D&D campaigns, his old DM would ask his players to search the room for hidden entrances or puzzles to solve.

Stopping in front of the large painting, William saw the painting of the menacing vampire lord. Soon, Rana joined him and stand next to her lover as she couldn't sense anything active concealment magic.

"Looks like he fooled us once again. There is nothing here or trace to follow up." Said, Rana.

"He must be here somewhere hiding," Just as William said to Rana, he saw a slight glow from the painting's eyes. Before he could activate his blank ability to cancel the magic, William and Rana are hit by the ray of magic from the menacing vampire lord's eyes.

"Chapter Master!"

"Your holiness!"

Captain Auguste and Canoness said at the same time but it was too late as both leaders disappeared from where they stood, leaving men and women of the Imperium finest without their leaders.

Just as two commanders were about to order their team to find their lost leaders, the statues of humanoid monsters moved and peel their rock skin as if they are leaves. A total of 12 minotaurs and bugbears approach the leaderless men and women, blocking them from finding their leaders or sending messages to notify the rest of the army.


Somewhere else,

"Back to back, now!" First thing William said after the red light vanished was to secure the area and prevent any blind sides. Following the instruction without asking questions, Rana did what William said and put her back into his. The room is dark and the only light sources were William's armor and Rana's golden armor.

Not receiving any attack, two circle around in their backs to scan the area. Second, later, a sound of clapping can be heard and both fighters knew who is the one clapping as a man in scale armor appeared at his side and begins to lighten up as he passes the pillars.

Clap, clap, clap.

Three slow claps welcome the two warriors and Alpha Legion Space Marine reveals himself. Facing the traitor, William was about to fire his weapon when he heard another clapping noise from behind. Standing in front of Rana, a second Alpha Legionnaire appeared from the darkness, clapping slowly three times.

"What is going on? There are more of them?" Said Rana, as she raise her pistol toward the second Alpha Legionnaire.

"I won't do that if I were you," A third man appeared from the darkness, looking at both William and Rana as he made his appearance while holding a heavy bolter, ready to fire at any second.

"There is no point fighting. Both of you are teleported far from the main conflict and they can't track your signal even if you try. Hydra Dominatus, Chapter Master William, and your holiness. Welcome to our ritual and you two are our guests and our sacrifice."

Enjoy the update and stay safe.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts