
As a Father

William spent two weeks going over governing his newly founded country and territories. From assigning the lands and cities to his battle-brother captains to expanding his diplomatic connection with neighboring countries, William had to adapt to his new role as leader of the nation.

Of course, he have help from people around him as he didn't possess all the solutions and answers to the problems. The Adeptus Mechanicus went full forge world mode as they mine and refined natural resources such as iron and other precious metal to their needs. From repairing the Imperial Knights to fabricating the STC blueprint that William obtained from the 'Mother,' Admechs of the machine cults strip the necessary resources to prepare themselves and everyone for the upcoming 'Exiled Crusade.'

Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed and his senior officers didn't take any break after the unification war aka the Peacekeeping. Of all things, the legendary supreme commander of the Cadia decided to go beyond William's request which was to build a military force strong enough to defend the Terranovis after their departure from the New World. Excluding the training of the natives with Imperium weapons and machines of war, Lord Creed decided to assign their basic and advanced to Catachans.

Under command of the Major Roccat Hagin the Iron Bull, the new recruits of old and young went through hellish training beyond anyone's imagination. Infamous Catachans jungle fighters are known for their bulky sizes and deadly reputation of being experts in jungle warfare. What normal people don't know is that their status came with the superior ideal that no one is better than Catachan as a proper guardsman for the Imperium.

From physical training, and hand-to-hand combat to the advanced counter-insurgency to fight the overwhelming number of enemies, the Catachans made sure their experience and knowledge of warfare were drilled into the new recruits. In some sense, William's order of building a strong military ended up creating New World's version of Spartans where the one normal soldier of the Terranovis is equal to eight soldiers from other nations.

Following the tradition of the Catachans, the new defenders of the Terranovis fashion themselves with a red bandanna and a big ass knife. Their weapons are mostly composed of swords, shields, spears, etc, provided by Ademchs from their forges but the primary weapon of their choice is the Catachan Knives variant called Devil's Claw. Four feet long blades of pure steel and mercury, the knife delivers a powerful weapon swing and cut, even Orks view these blades as best among the cutters.

The Sisters of Battle also didn't seat around while others made changes in the New World. Some of the sisters left the capital city to pursue the path of Wandering Sisters, who took an oath to deliver justice and cleanse away taint left by the forces of the Chaos and traitors. Taking only a few coins to provide for their basic needs, the Wandering Sisters travel alone or as small groups of two or three.

In total, 20 sisters left the capital, and by the time of departure to the 40k universe, only five returned. The ones who never came back left their own footprint in the New World as lady justice or slayers of the devilish monsters who saved the town from complete destruction. As for the gears of war, they were never recovered and left to be forgotten in the hands of time.

On the other hand, the remaining Sisters of Battle rebuilt their number through William's unique ability to summon reinforcement and recruitment of orphan girls from various places. No girls were left behind as Sisters took priority over gathering human girls and training them to be the next generation of the Sisters of Battle. More power armor and weapons of war were created from the Admech's forges as Sisters increased their number from less than a hundred to nearly a thousand within a year. Commanding them on top of the Sisters of Battle Matriarchy is Rana Becketts, the Living Saint of the Emperor and Golden Lioness of the Holy Terra.

Terranovis isn't the perfect country as it is the first of its kind and requires massive resources to run it smoothly. This is where Alderim came to provide support for their new ally and diplomatic path with other nations instead of a complete blood bath. Through the agreement of giving the fortress and city within the border of the vampire to Countess Shaw in exchange for military supplies, Alderim managed to secure a powerful ally as well as a friend who will come to their aid whenever they need help.

After William's declaration of war against Legallan, many of the nobles of Alderim didn't support the idea of having a connection with the rogue nation, but Crown Prince Benton had a different idea. Because of William's training and trial he put on the crown prince, William's entire chapter of the Space Marines and Astra Militarum recognize Prince Benton as their own. No amount of interference will break this bond as even the Catachans who made Prince Benton experience hell itself saw him as a fellow Catachan and gave him the Devil's Claw.

Alderim was the first to recognize Terranovis as a newly founded nation when no one had any idea what was going on. Even the adventurer's guild wasn't sure what to do but thanks to the help from Mia, the newly promoted senior guild advisor and link to the royal family, the guild from the Alderim decided to extend their hand to Terranovis and request to place a new branch office in the new nation.

When guilds such as adventurers request expansion of the branch offices, it brings others such as merchants and other minor guilds to join the trend. This usually means the opportunity to make new trade routes and bring more riches and goods to the people of all sides. What Terranovis need right now are raw materials and other resources to provide for the needs of its citizens. Through Alderim and the adventurer's guild, the world trade is open to William as well as information on where certain artifacts might be as his quest to defeat the mother of all evil dragons continues.


"This paperwork is endless and there is no end to the meeting after meeting. I can see why Chapter Masters usually spend most of their time either in battle or fortress-monastery." William said to himself alone in his office while going over the document after document related to the upcoming party. This wasn't some fancy party for himself to enjoy but rather a party to show the might of the Terranovis to the foreign diplomats and network with other nations. Of course, this was Rana and Crown Prince Benton's idea as William didn't know where to begin with.

The invitation was already sent to many people within Alderim and other countries including various VIPs from organizations such as guilds and influential people of certain ranks within noble families. The date of the party is set for next month and because of this, the entire fortress went into preparation mode which many of the servants and staff work day and night to make the party as grand as possible.

William invites his battle brothers and officers of his military rank to join the party. The brothers within a rank are also welcome to join but some of the new blood which is Space Marines who were summoned directly without the background of previous chapters had a different idea.

Few of the ones within the Chapter of Blacksouls decided to take a path similar to William's earlier journey. This brought new problems for William as it could bring more trouble for him than good but at the same time, the new battle brothers of the Blacksouls have more common sense when it comes to logic unlike certain Space Marines Chapters (Space Wolves and Dark Angels).

William approve of this new idea but limited it to four Space Marines sending an entire company of Space Marines could start another war on a global scale. Unknown to everyone, this benefited the young Blacksouls Astartes as their outside experience open their views on the world outside of the 40k universe. There is also an increase in the Astartes' weapons and arsenals as the more they kill, the more weapons and unique ammunition were gifted to them.

The chosen four Blacksouls received William's blessings and advice and went on different paths as each of them intend to return with epic stories and trophies. Their first enemy, a horde of goblins within Terranovis and beyond.

"Chapter Master, Lord Commissar Cain is here. He is requesting to meet you right away. He said it is an urgent matter." One of William's personnel informed the Chapter Master through a vox machine and hearing this William decided to take a break from political and governing matters for a few minutes.

'Probably came to me asking if I planing on recalling him back to active duty.' William thought to himself and giggled a little, thinking if he should send Cain and his trusty aide on a mission to retrieve the legendary dragon masks. With Cain's luck, he might end up killing the damn dragon queen right after sleeping with her.

"I have time for the Hero of the Imperium, please send him in," William replies back and waits for the hero to enter his office. William isn't wearing his terminator armor as it is currently under maintenance and in process of engraving fallen royal guards' names. William is also certain that his armor is possibly in a research lab while Admechs are scratching their head trying to figure out how the machine works.

William is currently wearing Astarte's robes with his chapter colors as he is not in any combat but he is always armed as his inventory is full of weapons and enough ammunition to level the hive city. Once, William decided to look into his inventory and had to give up as certain weapons in his inventory turn out to be scarier than the ones he had been using. One that caught his attention was a grenade capable of creating a small black hole and he has hundreds of them in his inventory.

(Mind you, this is just a hand grenade. Imagine enemies William has slain so far and obtain weapons from the Age of Technology.)

After a few moments, Cain the Hero of the Imperium entered William's office. In his hand, Cain was carrying a large bottle of Dwarf's ale as William prefers the taste of the ale than being poisoned literally, again.

"What brought you here Lord Commissar? Don't tell me you want to return back to the frontline in the name of the Emperor." William stands up and gestures for Cain to take sit on the couch and moves himself to sit on the opposite side where the table is in the center.

"About that Lord William, I came here for a different reason and I'm not sure how you will react after hearing what I have to say." Cain opens the bottle of ale and pours the drinks onto the goblets. The smell of the Dwarf ale hit William's nose and he couldn't tell what kind of ingredients were used to brew this one but it was pleasant.

"Ok, tell me what is killing you. I can clearly see something is bothering you and I know you Ciaphas, whatever it is I will do in my power to help you." Grabbing the large goblet, William insure the Lord Commissar and drank the ale. The taste was incredible and William is certain that enough of this drink will fill the men's belly without feeding the actual meal as ale itself will be enough.

Hearing Chapter Master using his given name and not his title, Cain relaxed a little and pull out a letter from his commissar coat. The same letter informing Cain regarding his daughter and noble lady who is currently bearing his child will be attending the party next month.

"I found out yesterday that I'm going to be a father and I want you to remove her existence in the record once she is born. As a commissar, I know I must place her on the path of the service to the golden throne but as a father, I want her to stay here in the New World after we leave this world."

Enjoy the new update and stay safe.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts