
Reinforcements In Dire Times

Roger had no time to work with, everyone realized the danger at hand, those unsettling shadows now coming to life with blue glowers, hands outreaching to those unlucky!

Many tried to back pedal, the terror of the situation finally unveiled, a true horror at the hands of the decayed dead!

He now knew the all too familiar smell, how it wasn't recognized immediately was left up to stress and other factors, the stench of death, an unforgettable vile fact. As a soldier he should have picked up on it the moment it reached his nose.

Out from the dark alleyways from both sides came massive 3 meter giants of blackened steel armor, wickedly enchanted blades, and a deathly passion in their eyes. Behind them skeletons mingled with zombies came charging. Their hands outreached whilst their faces were loose but angered.

They were encircled almost immediately! Clashing with those most nearest, a good few torn apart or out right crushed! Their despair was evident. Pressed in by all sides Rogers felt claustrophobic, the clashing ranks lasting seconds! He could tell the major factor was the towering Knights that hacked at his troops at if they were meat in the butchers shop! The display of power made him grimace. They couldn't fight this, hell he could tell he would be no different if he clashed with the knights.. No clash wouldn't be right, more so a death sentence written in his guts. 

However before he could spot the flaws a warhorn distantly blew! Not from the walls, but the up the street! The fighting didn't slow as those fighting couldn't afford to die. But some did look, to their surprise and Duths dismay over Twenty knights and at least three companies of slightly more armored troops marched into view! 

At the forefront Sir Gabriel lowered his warhorn and unsheathed his sword! 

"Your fight is with me Lich!"

He spat the last word with hatred! Duth had to respond, his troops broke away from the ambushed foes, who took the opportunity to route the opposite direction. Rogers needed to retreat and form up. Maybe at a good time he could press the undead from behind. He held no grander to playing hero, or pressing them now. That would mean more death, death they couldn't afford. Duth hissed with an echo. "Very well, i wouldn't mind adding a few more dead to my ranks.." He seethed out; he even made the chance to raise those around him. A wall of sickly green engulfing the fallen troops. Rising the count up to and over 300! Now they barely over took the knights own forces in number, however he realized that he was still at a great disadvantage! Whereas he had quantity, the knights had quality! 

Therefore he will have to use himself to bridge the gap just a little. Given his level and current Mp will serve to be an issue. He felt weak in the ire of this knight and his fellow comrades and troops. 'The only advantage i hold over them is my ability to add troops to my own ranks. They cannot..'

Duth held up his hand, a reddish wisp sparking to life. Sir Gabriel held up his blade, dropping it with a roar!

Dozens of soldiers lowered their halberds and charged, several knights following with them, behind the halberds archers rose their bows, behind them swordsmen charged, creating a clear gap between the first and second wave, with a hail of arrows raining down on his forming ranks!

The dead led by his own knights formed up into a shield and flesh wall. Zombies used as cannon fodder and shields so lighter troops could attack! Duth held his head high, burning ire building till it overflowed!

[Barrier] [Barrier]

2 stiff blue shields formed across the top of his undead troops, layered up for good reason! A dozen arrows bounced off the first barrier cracking it! Before a few more shattered the barrier into fading shards! The remaining barrier fell soon after before barely a quarter of the remaining arrows struck down a handful of his zombies!

Mp: 131/155

Duth swiped his hand fifteen red wisp forming around him! Before they shot up into beaming fiery flames! They fell on the charging troops! Felling just as many shot! 

Mp: 71/155

Just before the twenty plus halberds slammed into his lines, the ground beneath their feet exploded with jagged ribs! Impaling a handful of soldiers who screamed in agony before falling silent!

[Bone Trap] 3x

Mp: 41

Just the first round of Duths spells was no more than a lethal light show! Shards of blue faded whilst fierce beams shot down soldiers and bones sprayed the surviving soldiers with blood! All so fast, giving no time for those charging to realize their dwindled lines! They skewered zombies upon their clash, before being yanked in and slaughtered unceremoniously!

The knights had time to realize, they in turn slowed upon realizing the horror that 50 troops had died in less than a few seconds. Hundreds more behind them saw this, but did not stop, as Gabriel knew of a vanguard's sacrifice and in turn he respected their unyielding charge, he roared with an avenging battle cry! Giving his men courage!

Duth receded back into his troops! He could probably punch the daylights out of the enemy soldiers, kill them even, but he doubted his survival past a few hits! True to the tales of the liches, most were spell casters! Few of them had strength to back up any melee they could impose! Duth was nowhere near strong enough to believe he could survive under assault for long therefore his forces will keep him protected. He had done enough alone, now it's their turn!

The knights ran through the first three ranks of undead, blades felling them! Before hundreds of troops who built momentum clashed in a rain of sparks and clangs of steel! Thunderous roars shaking those around them! 

"Skewer them! Cut the snakes head off! The lich! Find him!" The Death Knights moved in swiftly meeting their challenge against hardened warriors! The knights that fought them were veterans amongst their houses! Therein the Death Knights were driven back! The fierce fighting intensifying with an uncanny zeal! A righteous passion meeting the deathly glares of the dead! They were nearly one and the same! 

Sir Gabriel drew his sword up, taking both hands and all his might to send one fo the death knights sprawling back in surprise! Before the knight drew his blade down and clashed with a second, nearly making the undead stumble from the sheer force behind the downwards blow! Gabriel backpedaled upon a thrusting tip of a blade nearly piercing his helm! He drew his sword up dragging away the tip with the blunt side of his sword before stamping his boot on the blade and outreaching with a swipe catching the second death knights blade and nearly disarming the death knight!

Duth did not know how this man who only stood at 5'8" could actually drive back and equal two towering undead at once! Though if he were to take the levels into account both undead were level 15, whereas Gabriel may have been around level 25!


Absolute change from the original, i tend to really flesh out this book! Like the challenge the mc is facing? Scaling in power and more use of the system? Because that is far from the changes ahead! Enjoy! :)
