
An Interesting Discovery

I stayed in the observation cell for a month. It could have been faster if I had used a simpler method to hack into their systems, but again, I wanted to show off.

Food and water would be provided 3 times a day through a small gap underneath the door.

It got kinda interesting since I would talk to their best IT guys, assuming an aura of a dignified professor two weeks after coming here.

Life was good. Eat, sleep, teach and repeat.

Well, that was true for this body at least.

Remember the clone I created which assumed the form of 'my sister'. Well that clone went back to New York and dealt with all the paperwork with Mr. Morita for the factories and Ms. Potts for the Stark cooperation.

I was busy as a bee.


Every night, I would get reports from the slimes I sent into the oceans.

So far, they have found 326 sunken ships and airplanes. Some ships dating all the way back to the 14th century. Gold, silver, gems from merchant ships, steel from modern ships, silverware from heaps of capsized cruise ships over the years, my loot kept on increasing.

Since the slimes shared the same origin, they had access to the same subspace that I use, so anything that they devour, I can check from the cell.

Along with ships and airplanes, my slimes also found heaps and heaps of mines. Iron veins, gold veins, manganese, copper, and loads of other minerals and compounds.

One surprising discovery made by my slimes in the Indian ocean, about 3000 kilometres south east of Madagascar was the presence of shiny blue coloured veins travelling through rocks on the seabed.

Tracing along the veins, my slimes, now in a group of 10, explored its origins.

The time stamp on the rocks after analysing showed that these veins were developed around a million years ago, spreading from an impact borne crater in the depths of the ocean.

The flora at the seabed absorbed the energy given off and adapted to survive alongside it. The peculiar blue veins found in the rocks travelled through the flora that was growing on it.

The slimes grouped up into a single slime, since their individual energy was not enough to break down the blue veins in the rocks.

Eventually, after analysing the absorbed substance, my guesses were confirmed.


A buttload of unmined Vibranium. Untouched by civilisation for a million years, only occasionally mutating the animals around it that eat vibranium infused flora.

Back in my cell, as I was looking at all this though my connection with the slimes, I burst out in a maniacal laughter.

"hahahhaa hahahhhaaa"

It was a very unexpected but welcomed discovery.

The guards stationed outside my cell jolted and turned around to check if I was OK.

Someone who kept quiet for hours on end for 3 weeks straight had had finally snapped, they thought.

Slowly, my laughing session came to an end as I started thinking how vibranium could be deposited there.

[Maybe, the meteorite that hit Wakanda was the only one that hit land. Another one must have hit close by in the developing oceans, covered up by the influx of raging oceans around it.] great sage, now in my mind, hypothesised.

"Ah, that's very plausible. I mean the meteorite must have broken up when entering the earth's atmosphere. Both the locations are pretty close by, so I don't see why not." I reply.



"Now I don't have to steal any from Wakanda. Though I might have to develop a method to use it on my own. I can't reference any designs from them, otherwise I would have the Black Panther on my tail.

Though I don't plan on making this tech public any time soon." I mumble.


Like this, my observation period finally ended after a month when they figured out my method from all my lecturing sessions. I was free to go but would be a person of interest.

Still, I accomplished my goals of coming here. Promoting my skills, getting a deal signed and wasting a month since it was getting boring in the outside world.

"Hey, Coulson. Can I get a lift back to New York? I don't wanna bother my sister. Thanks"

Time to check out my factories.

A bit of plot armor. As well as possible armor in future.


I thought maybe it could be possible. Tribes in wakanda dont interfere with the outside world. They closed up their gates before their tech could develop for deep water excavation and pieces of meteorites that enter earth's atmosphere alway start to break down, sometimes in mulitple pieces of similar sizes.

Anyways, i imprisoned the MC cause i didnt want to bore you guys with the legal matters of the cooperations and the factories.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

DaoistLeoncreators' thoughts