
Trauma vs Bulimia

"Are you awake, honey?" Massimo's hoarse voice could be heard clearly in Gina's ears, who was still massaging her forehead with her left hand.

Hearing Massimo's voice, Gina quickly opened her eyes again. "What time last night did you take me home?"

Massimo, who was still lying beside Gina smiled. "You should be saying good morning to me, sweetheart. Not such a curmudgeon."

"I'm serious, Massimo!"

"I'm also serious, I want my morning kiss first before answering your question," said Massimo hoarsely.

Gina took a deep breath, trying to contain her turbulent emotions. Trying to ignore the pain in her head, Gina approached Massimo and quickly kissed him on the forehead.

"Akh repeat... tasteless!"


"Quick repeat, otherwise we'll be lying in bed like this all day."

Hearing Massimo's threat, which sounded earnest, Gina finally relented and repeated the morning kiss ritual according to Massimo's request.
